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MQTT errors


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There may be multiple issues happening.

The first is that Polyglot is unable to connect to the ISY.  You'll have to figure out why before anything else will work.   The  bit of the log you've posted doesn't seem to be referencing that issue.  I'd start with verifying that the username and password for the ISY are set correctly (reset them, save, and maybe restart polyglot).   If it still isn't connecting, look at the beginning of the polyglot log file for more information about why.

Second, it looks like there may be more than one instance of WeatherLink running.  When more than one instance is running you'll get constant connect/disconnect MQTT messages as they keep fighting with each other for a connection to Polyglot.  Either reboot the Polisy or from a command shell run 'ps -auxww | grep -i weatherlink' and then 'sudo kill <pid>' for all that are running.

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