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google SMTP server connection stopped working

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I have been running ISY Firmware and UI version 5.3.0 at two different locations for many months. The google smtp server settings I have been using for a very long time are no longer working. I am getting the following message when I press the Test button in the AC Configuration > Emails/Notifications > Settings/Groups dialog:



The ISY Network Settings (in AC Configuration > System)  are set to "Automatic (DHCP)", and a valid local IP is assigned which I am using (without issue) to access the AC 

I am using these SMTP settings:

SMTP Server: smtp.googlemail.com             SMTP Port: 587

Use TLS checked

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I upgraded to 5.3.4 . Now I am getting only the "Mail server failure [Password not accepted]" message (no longer getting "No network connection [[DHCP] state=RENEW]" mesage). 

I tired all of the following, same result for all:

SMTP Server: smtp.googlemail.com             SMTP Port: 587      "USE TLS" checked

SMTP Server: smtp.googlemail.com             SMTP Port: 465      "USE TLS" checked

SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com                       SMTP Port: 587      "USE TLS" checked

SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com                       SMTP Port: 465      "USE TLS" checked

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3 hours ago, wmcneil said:

So "Use Default" was broken for a long time, now working again.  

Yes, the "Use Default" option had gone down back in 2020 (see this post) and it was suggested to use Gmail so not to tax the UD servers. Then, they updated the default settings and changed the method of sending. That was resolved in an update later than 5.3. So your updating to 5.3.4 corrected the "use default" settings. 

Although, I would still suggest using an alternate server to possibly avoid such issues in the future. 

Was the Gmail account you were using an inactive account? Sometimes Gmail will close access to accounts that just send messages (like ISY notices) if there is no actual logging in done by a user from a device. It's possible the account had been deactivated and just needed to be logged back in and updated the password/security settings to get it working again.

Not sure where you got that the SMTP should be "googlemail.com", but I have it set as "smtp.gmail.com", port 587, TLS = checked and have zero problems sending tests or actual alerts. 


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