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PG3 3.0.39 and 3.0.40


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@bpwwerSo I upgraded PG3 to 3.0.39 yesterday, and saw that release 3.0.40 was announced today, so I updated again.  I followed the instructions in the 3.0.40 release announcement to correct the issue with all node servers showing as "unmanaged" but that did not seem to address the problem for me.  All of my node servers still show as "unmanaged" under PG3 3.0.40.  Any suggestions?

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I did this at the recommendation from @bpwwer and it worked for me.

If you ran 3.0.39 then it corrupted the nodeservers listed in the database and you'll have to uninstalled them manually from the ISY and then re-install them using version 3.0.40.

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Deleting and re-installing should always work.  However, if you have a number of node servers already installed and working you should be able to recover using the instructions in the post for 3.0.40.

@dwengrovitzI made a mistake in the original post and have just updated it.  Try the revised instructions and see if that brings them back. 

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