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programming advice


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I am experimenting with programming lights reacting to a motion sensor.


I have one condition that creates a problem in the logic I used. That is, if someone physically turns on the switchlinc during the day, my lights go on and stay on - Good. If they turn on the switch in the evening, my lights go on and stay on - Good. But, if they turn on the lights before evening, and evening comes (sunset on the ISY), the lights will go off....


I want to keep track if someone turns on a switchlinc before "evening" (aka prior to sunset) and if so, use that fact in an If statement after sunset.


I have a program named ControlStatus:


   From Sunrise
   To Sunset (same day)
And (
       Control 'Foo' is switched on
       Or Control 'Bar' is switched on
   - No Actions
   - No Actions


This will be true if someone switches on a light before sunset but will get re-evaluated and be false after sunset. How can I prevent it from being re-evaluated so that I know the switch was turned on earlier?

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Hi Tome,


I love folders! What I would do is create a folder with the condition for Sunrise to Sunset. I would put everything that needs to happen ONLY between sunrise/sunset in that folder. So, now the programs in that folder are ONLY evaluated when time is between Sunrise/Sunset. As such, if someone does anything outside this range, none of the programs therein are evaluated.


With kind regards,


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Hi Tome,


I love folders! What I would do is create a folder with the condition for Sunrise to Sunset. I would put everything that needs to happen ONLY between sunrise/sunset in that folder. So, now the programs in that folder are ONLY evaluated when time is between Sunrise/Sunset. As such, if someone does anything outside this range, none of the programs therein are evaluated.


With kind regards,



Thanks for the tip, Michel! I will give it try.


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