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Unable to Add Z-Wave devices to IoP.

Jim P

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I Can't seem to add any Z-wave devices to ISY on Polisy ..  ( Yellow Cap Z-Wave Dongle ) (Z-Wave device is 5 feet from dongle)

Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:19 AM : [ZWAVE-TX-NR     ] [0105004AC1F081]                        REQ ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK
Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:19 AM : Listening for Z-Wave devices to add to the network
Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:25 AM : [ZWAVE-TX-NR     ] [0105004A85F1C4]                        REQ ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK
Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:25 AM : Adding Z-Wave devices stopped
Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:25 AM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] [01030020DC]                            REQ MEMORY_GET_ID
Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:25 AM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] [01030056AA]                            REQ ZW_GET_SUC_NODE_ID
Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:25 AM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] [01030002FE]                            REQ SERIAL_API_GET_INIT_DATA
Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:26 AM : [ZWAVE-TX        ] [01030005F9]                            REQ ZW_GET_CONTROLLER_CAPABILITIES
Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:26 AM : [ZWAVE-TX-NR     ] [0105004A850035]                        REQ ZW_ADD_NODE_TO_NETWORK
Fri 02/25/2022 07:19:39 AM : [        Time] 07:19:41 0(0)


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I added this module..

I tried adding a Z-Wave light switch with no results..

I tried removing the first module  and it removed.

I Added the first module again.

I tried a different modue  with no results.

The plug in modules are added very close to Z-Wave dongle..  I move the one that is added about 15 feet away and it responds to the ISY commands and I can remove it and readd it from it's normal location..

Perhaps there is something still in working stage.. although I have not read about anyone else having these issues.

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OK.. I am brain dead !!!

Funny but here is what happened...  I have always only had a single ISY ... Soo...

It never occurred to me to remove my Zwave devices from my 994i before attempting to add them to my IoP ...

This AM I removed one from the 994i and did not have any issues adding it to my IoP..

So I am going forward with removing them all from my 994i and adding them to my IoP.

I am not expecting to see any more issues with this.

Thank you all and sorry to have wasted your time.

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