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Need Help: ISY 99 not responding


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I'm having an issue with my ISY 99.


I have been trying to reach my ISY through the Java Administrative Console. The Web interface starts with no problem. When it does start it shows me nothing but blank pages. The login option in the File menu is greyed out. After about a minute of waiting the following appears in a popup dialog:


XML Parse Error


After dismissing the modal dialog by clicking ok. The Logon option is again available from the File menu of the Java app. Selecting this menu option delays indefinitely. The text "System Busy" appears in the status bar throughout this wait.


I tried a factory reset in the hopes that there was something that was not being cleared. This made matters worse. The isy is no longer running the programs I had entered (It was before).


I also tried logging in from the Telnet interface. The telnet session prompts for for the username then password. The session freezes on submitting the password.


I also noted that the mem and error led's are blinking on the unit. According to your troubleshooting guide this is indicative of a network communications issue. Yet I managed to almost complete a telnet login?


Do you have any idea what might be wrong? Any help here is appreciated.

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Thanks for the quick reply.


I discovered the switch the ISY was connected to is not working well. I then connected the ISY directly to the router. No blinking error LED's anymore. I can now perform a proper telnet login.


The problem with the administrative console interface has not disappeared. I still see a completely blank page where my devices used to be. The same is true for the my programs.


Any suggestions as to what the problem might be?

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Hi endiablado,


Can you now login to the Admin Console (i.e. do you get the Authenticate dialog)? Did you factory reset your ISY when you were having network issues? If so, do you have a backup that you can restore (File | Restore ISY).


With kind regards,




Thanks for the quick reply.


I discovered the switch the ISY was connected to is not working well. I then connected the ISY directly to the router. No blinking error LED's anymore. I can now perform a proper telnet login.


The problem with the administrative console interface has not disappeared. I still see a completely blank page where my devices used to be. The same is true for the my programs.


Any suggestions as to what the problem might be?

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Hi Michael,


I can log in to the unit now via the administrative console, but then I do I see nothing but blank pages.


I unfortunately do not have a backup of my ISY. I had attempted a backup several times but it always failed, probably due to the networking issues.


I did do a factory reset while I was having network issues. :(


Is there any hope of recovery here? IS there at least a way of having the ISY scan existing INSTEON devices?

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Hi endiablado,


Ah ... I am so very sorry. The only way you can recover from a factory reset is restore.


You can have ISY crawl your INSTEON network but, in my view, it would take much longer than doing it manually. Especially if you have 2.7.9 and PRO series in which case you can use the batch mode.


With kind regards,


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