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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Main Lighting KPL Trees ideas

yardman 49

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Hello Michel:


Is there anyway to organize the devices under "My Lighting"? I have several KPLs. Once I get them all added to the ISY, and then add my switches and other Insteon devices, I will have a very long list. (I'm assuming that a vertical scroll bar appears once the list grows past the bottom of the screen).


So as usual, I have some ideas:


First Idea: what about making KPL buttons so that they can be collapsed into a folder. one folder for each KPL.? So when you name a KPL, its name would be the folder name. The group buttons on that KPL would appear in the KPL folder. You could rename the buttons anything you want, but because they would always be found in the folder of the KPL to which they belong, you would never mix them up with those from another KPL.


This seems like a real necessity to me, because when you have many KPLs, and you can't collapse them, the device list grows very long. (I hate to think what this looks like on Slooplinc's system!) :roll:


Second Idea:

Allow Insteon devices to be placed into organizational folders of a user's choosing. They would just create a folder (Like creating a new Windows folder), give it a name, and drop devices into it. So for instance, I might want to have all of my first floor devices in "First Floor" folder to make them easier to distinguish from devices on other floors. Or I might want them to be organized with other similar devices, etc.


Third Idea:

Have more variation in icons? Right now the Togglelincs in my system have icons that appear like KPLs (little buttons in a rectangle). But the Appliancelinc and Lamplinc look like lightbulbs. This is not very intuitive. Houselinc has a really cools system where the icon looks like a little photo of the real device. I don't think that this is necessary, but maybe it could be a little more developed than it is now? Maybe Togglelincs/Switchlincs that look like a standard wall toggle, KPLs that look like the current icon, Appliancelincs/Lamplincs that look like little wall warts, Outletlincs that look like an outlet, etc.


As usual, thanks for considering my ramblings!


The Network tree on the "Main tab" has been requested to be improved several times but lets make this the official post for the request because it's mashed in to one big requests post. It just may be out a release or two from now because I guess it’s a big overhaul. I think the guys are going to just use the same folder GUI widget as they used for the programs folders that way we can sort everything on the "Main tab" to our liking.


+ Network

______+ My Lighting

____________+ Living Room

__________________Main Light

__________________Switched Outlet

__________________Brass Lamp

____________+ Family Room

__________________Switched Outlet

________________+ Keypad Main Lights

______________________A: Family Room Evening

______________________B: Family Room Movie Time

______________________C: Family Room Off

______________________D: All Off

____________+ Bedroom Room

__________________Main Light

__________________Switched Outlet

__________________Bed Lamp

________________+ Bedroom Bath



______+ My Scenes

____________+ Family Room Evening Scene

____________+ Family Room Movie Time Scene

____________+ Family Room Off Scene

____________+ All Off Scene




We do appreciate all suggestions and feedback. We do have this requirement in our list but, from business perspective, we do have it behind much more important features such as (in the order of importance)

1. Regular HTTPS/HTML support so that you can access ISY from any mobile phone/pda/etc.

2. Integration with other devices/programs such as touch-screens


Implementing/testing the above two alone has put every other "major" requirement (such as the tree overhaul) all the way at the bottom of the list. This said, however, "minor" requirements are added on a daily basis and almost immediately. As such, I cannot give you a firm date for your this requirement while assuring you that it's in our list of requirements to be implemented.


With kind regards,



Michel, Many of use sure would like to have this suggestion implemented at some point, when do you think you guys will get to the device/scene tree suggestion that has been mentioned several times now?


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