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ISY Web Server Maintenance


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I've created a lot of specialized log files using the ISY's web server module and "Dynamic/Custom Page Creation" functionality described here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series_INSTEON:Networking#Dynamic.2FCustom_Page_Creation

and every now and again I spend 20 minutes or more, downloading/archiving and resetting these custom log files. If I don't do this often enough, they do eventually drop old data to put in new data in so I lose some of the history.

I would like to automate the download/reset task. Basically write a script to go through each web server file, download it, append the date to it, save it, then reset the log in ISY. For a few of them I have ISY reset programs that add a header showing when it was reset and, in some cases, putting links to other related log files for ease of navigation.

I guess I'm looking for a way to run some sort of batch file able to download HTML and save the file with a name based on current YYMMDD then, in some cases, call an ISY program to do the reset, while in other cases, just delete the file from the ISY web server.

Any suggestions?


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