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is 0% a valid preset on level in a scene?


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can i have a scene that turns some devices on and others in the same scene off?


or would i have to use an event (or trigger) to set that up?


so - scene on would turn on some devices and others off

scene off would be a mystery in my head


how could toggle mode be used in a setup like this?


my stuff is not that fancy - just saw the question and was curious

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Yes, it is valid as long as you are not trying to enforce those onlevels to the KPL load from the buttons on the same KPL.


So, you could have an off scene which turns everthing off regardless of what the controller sends. i.e. if the controller sends on, then the scene on levels make all the devices to go to 0% (= off). If the controller sends off, then all the devices will turn off! In short, everything off.


With kind regards,




can i have a scene that turns some devices on and others in the same scene off?


or would i have to use an event (or trigger) to set that up?


so - scene on would turn on some devices and others off

scene off would be a mystery in my head


how could toggle mode be used in a setup like this?


my stuff is not that fancy - just saw the question and was curious

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