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ISY State to Home Assistant

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I have a 3 way kitchen light scene.  If I ask Alexa to turn the light on/off, or if ISY turns it on/off then Home Assistant tracks it.  But… if I manually turn the kitchen light on/off via one of the 2 wall switches, then Home Assistant doesn’t track the change and just stays in the previous state as viewed on the HA control screen.  How can I get Home Assistant to track the state of the kitchen light scene regardless of how its toggled on/off?

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I had this same problem.  HA didn't want to control a scene properly, just as you are experiencing.  What I had to do was not use the scene, but rather the load controlling device instead.  This of course will mess up the syncing of the slave devices if you turn the light on/off with HA.  So I also made a couple of HA automations, one for On and one for Off, that will change the state of the slave(s).  I bit kludgy, but it works.

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3 hours ago, slimypizza said:

I have a 3 way kitchen light scene.

I assume this is an ISY scene.  (I wouldn't suggest using HA scene's for ISY devices.)   The scene itself will also exist as a switch entity.  if you turn that entitiy on or off everything will stay in sync. 

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38 minutes ago, MrBill said:

I assume this is an ISY scene.  (I wouldn't suggest using HA scene's for ISY devices.)   The scene itself will also exist as a switch entity.  if you turn that entitiy on or off everything will stay in sync. 

I dunno.  I know I ran into something not syncing using an ISY Scene in HA.  Can't specifically remember now.

One problem with using the ISY Scene is that an HA Switch can't be dimmed.

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Here's my workaround for this scenario. Let me know if you have any questions 



This let's you use the load controlling device directly from 3rd party controllers (HA, Alexa, etc) and will keep the other devices in sync. It waits 2 sec just to allow Insteon traffic to clear and to make sure it wasn't a local button press (which would sync everything by itself). 

Edited by shbatm
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My issue isn’t with dimming.  This is just a 3-way on/off scenario set as an ISY scene.  This syncs fine with HA if I turn the lights on via ISY or through HA or through Alexa.  But if I manually turn one of the switches on or off, the state doesn’t change in HA.  That is, if I turn the light OFF via the manual wall switch, the status of the light in HA still shows ON.  In HA the kitchen light scene is referenced as switch.kitchen_light 

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55 minutes ago, slimypizza said:

My issue isn’t with dimming.  This is just a 3-way on/off scenario set as an ISY scene.  This syncs fine with HA if I turn the lights on via ISY or through HA or through Alexa.  But if I manually turn one of the switches on or off, the state doesn’t change in HA.  That is, if I turn the light OFF via the manual wall switch, the status of the light in HA still shows ON.  In HA the kitchen light scene is referenced as switch.kitchen_light 

Are both switches controllers in the ISY?  If you turn off that same switch manually do the status lights on the other switch change?   is the switch a dimmer 2477d or just and on/off switch? 

I have several of these scenarios and don't have the problem, so there is an answer we just have to find the error in your setup.

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15 hours ago, carealtor said:

I dunno.  I know I ran into something not syncing using an ISY Scene in HA.  Can't specifically remember now.

One problem with using the ISY Scene is that an HA Switch can't be dimmed.

Like @shbatm mine uses helper programs, but mine work a little differently.  (probably because I first addressed this for Alexa thru the ISY portal... I didn't have HA yet) later I added HA and made some updates.

I don't do this for every device that dims, most dimming devices I'm content with a scene, or in a couple cases 2 scenes.  However there are some devices that I want to be able to set the specific DIM level on the fly.  In the HA interface I also use Loven's State-Switch (search HACS frontend repository's for 'state-switch') in conjunction with my helper programs to change the button on the dashboard from a scene controller to a device dimmer when the device is not off.

That is when the status is OFF, we have this scene controller button showing: image.png.608c532607c37283bec72096ff1b8962.png  Click it to turn it on and it changes to the device control itself: image.png.f5f5a3e5abf019e8f016fb071e82f59e.png thus: allowing dimmer control.    Thanks to the helper programs the dashboard button also changes and correctly reflects wall button presses and/or alexa control.

The YAML for the dashboard button looks like this:

type: custom:state-switch
entity: switch.lr_lamp_1
transition: flip
transition_time: 500
    type: light
    entity: light.lr_lamp_1
    name: Lamp 1
    icon: mdi:lamp
    type: custom:button-card
        - height: 175px
      action: call-service
      service: isy994.send_program_command
        address: 013C
        command: run_then
        isy: ISY
    icon: mdi:lamp
    size: 55%
    name: Lamp 1

and the ISY helper programs look like this:

Lamp 1 - [ID 0098][Parent 00B7]

Folder Conditions for 'Lamp 1'

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
   Allow the programs in this folder to run.

Alexa.on - [ID 000C][Parent 0098]

        $sDim.Lamp1 > 0
    And $sDim.Lamp1 <= 100
        Set 'LR Lamp 1' On '$sDim.Lamp1 %'
        Wait  1 second
        Set 'LR Lamp 1#' On '$sDim.Lamp1 %'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

LR Lamp 1#.off - [ID 011C][Parent 0098]

        'LR Lamp 1#' Status is Off
        $sDim.Lamp1  = 0
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
helper program for HA

When the Scene is ON, the displayed HA card is a dimmer for the Load Controlled Module only.
When it turns off turn off, mirror the change.

LR Lamp 1.on - [ID 013C][Parent 0098]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        $sDim.Lamp1  = 60
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Helper program for HA

HA call serivice isy994.send_program_command with program ID number, RunThen.  This allows the scene to be turned on via ISY
which then causes HA to change its card to a dimmer for the # load controlling module only.

Manual.on - [ID 0099][Parent 0098]

        '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched On
     Or '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fast On
     Or '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fade Stop
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched On
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fast On
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fade Stop
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched On
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched Fast On
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched Fade Stop
        $sDim.Lamp1  = 101
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Off - [ID 0095][Parent 0098]

        '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Off
     Or '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fast Off
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Off
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fast Off
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched Off
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched Fast Off
     Or $sDim.Lamp1 is 0
        Wait  1 second
        Set 'LR Lamp 1' Off
        $sDim.Lamp1  = 0
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


In all cases of control (wall buttons, Alexa, or HA) everything stays in sync, and the HA dashboard has dimmer control.

It should be noted Alexa control in the portal uses "variable" and simply sets the variable to a number which triggers the helper programs.  Default "Alexa, Turn on lamp one" value is dimmed to 60 as set in the portal.



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1 hour ago, slimypizza said:

That is, if I turn the light OFF via the manual wall switch, the status of the light in HA still shows ON.

What kind of devices are the controllers? Is one a battery operated device or a Keypadlinc secondary button? Are they both set to controllers in the scene? 

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9 hours ago, MrBill said:

Are both switches controllers in the ISY?  If you turn off that same switch manually do the status lights on the other switch change?   is the switch a dimmer 2477d or just and on/off switch? 

I have several of these scenarios and don't have the problem, so there is an answer we just have to find the error in your setup.

The switches are both 2477S v.45.  Yes, if I turn off either switch manually, the other switch changes its led status.  In HA, the switches are referenced as switch.kitchen_light_1 and switch_kitchen_light_2.  However, switch.kitchen_light is what I use in HA programming. Obviously not a huge deal but I, as many do, prefer my equipment to function as expected. Its encouraging that you have a similar setup and it works correctly.  If you or anyone knows a solution I would appreciate it.  HA syncs correctly with all the other 2477S and 2477D's I have in the house that aren't configured as a scene.  Only the 3-way scene is giving me problems.

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I have a three-way setup with those same switches.  My HA system shows the correct status when I turn either one of the switches on/off.  I have both switches setup in a scene, which also includes a button on a keypad.

The scene is what I have displayed in HA.

So for me its working fine.

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13 hours ago, slimypizza said:

switch.kitchen_light_1 and switch_kitchen_light_2.  However, switch.kitchen_light

is the scene configured as an insteon scene in the admin console, or is the scene an HA scene?

What happens in the admin console when you turn one of the switches off manually?  Does the admin console correctly reflect the changes?


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I wanted to report back. Thigs are working as they should now.  I had one of the switches set as a responder and not controller.  Things were working ok except for the lack of comm status to HA when switches manually pressed.  Changing both to controller resolved the issue.  Thanks for sticking with me on this.  All good now.

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  • 3 months later...
On 4/14/2022 at 10:44 AM, MrBill said:

Like @shbatm mine uses helper programs, but mine work a little differently.  (probably because I first addressed this for Alexa thru the ISY portal... I didn't have HA yet) later I added HA and made some updates.

I don't do this for every device that dims, most dimming devices I'm content with a scene, or in a couple cases 2 scenes.  However there are some devices that I want to be able to set the specific DIM level on the fly.  In the HA interface I also use Loven's State-Switch (search HACS frontend repository's for 'state-switch') in conjunction with my helper programs to change the button on the dashboard from a scene controller to a device dimmer when the device is not off.

That is when the status is OFF, we have this scene controller button showing: image.png.608c532607c37283bec72096ff1b8962.png  Click it to turn it on and it changes to the device control itself: image.png.f5f5a3e5abf019e8f016fb071e82f59e.png thus: allowing dimmer control.    Thanks to the helper programs the dashboard button also changes and correctly reflects wall button presses and/or alexa control.

The YAML for the dashboard button looks like this:

type: custom:state-switch
entity: switch.lr_lamp_1
transition: flip
transition_time: 500
    type: light
    entity: light.lr_lamp_1
    name: Lamp 1
    icon: mdi:lamp
    type: custom:button-card
        - height: 175px
      action: call-service
      service: isy994.send_program_command
        address: 013C
        command: run_then
        isy: ISY
    icon: mdi:lamp
    size: 55%
    name: Lamp 1

and the ISY helper programs look like this:

Lamp 1 - [ID 0098][Parent 00B7]

Folder Conditions for 'Lamp 1'

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
   Allow the programs in this folder to run.

Alexa.on - [ID 000C][Parent 0098]

        $sDim.Lamp1 > 0
    And $sDim.Lamp1 <= 100
        Set 'LR Lamp 1' On '$sDim.Lamp1 %'
        Wait  1 second
        Set 'LR Lamp 1#' On '$sDim.Lamp1 %'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

LR Lamp 1#.off - [ID 011C][Parent 0098]

        'LR Lamp 1#' Status is Off
        $sDim.Lamp1  = 0
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
helper program for HA

When the Scene is ON, the displayed HA card is a dimmer for the Load Controlled Module only.
When it turns off turn off, mirror the change.

LR Lamp 1.on - [ID 013C][Parent 0098]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        $sDim.Lamp1  = 60
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Helper program for HA

HA call serivice isy994.send_program_command with program ID number, RunThen.  This allows the scene to be turned on via ISY
which then causes HA to change its card to a dimmer for the # load controlling module only.

Manual.on - [ID 0099][Parent 0098]

        '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched On
     Or '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fast On
     Or '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fade Stop
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched On
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fast On
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fade Stop
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched On
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched Fast On
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched Fade Stop
        $sDim.Lamp1  = 101
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Off - [ID 0095][Parent 0098]

        '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Off
     Or '{hide}Living Room Fan Lights+ / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fast Off
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Off
     Or 'Kitchen Table Light# / {hide}Lamp 1' is switched Fast Off
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched Off
     Or '{hide}LR Remote -Deb - A-B' is switched Fast Off
     Or $sDim.Lamp1 is 0
        Wait  1 second
        Set 'LR Lamp 1' Off
        $sDim.Lamp1  = 0
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


In all cases of control (wall buttons, Alexa, or HA) everything stays in sync, and the HA dashboard has dimmer control.

It should be noted Alexa control in the portal uses "variable" and simply sets the variable to a number which triggers the helper programs.  Default "Alexa, Turn on lamp one" value is dimmed to 60 as set in the portal.



I just want to say what has, I'm sure, already been said so many times... MrBill is just the bestest on every level possible. I rarely even know what's going on, but the amount he puts into trying to help people out is just staggering. A dying breed.

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4 hours ago, Samedarkclouds said:

I just want to say what has, I'm sure, already been said so many times... MrBill is just the bestest on every level possible. I rarely even know what's going on, but the amount he puts into trying to help people out is just staggering. A dying breed.

I totally agree . I wish he came by in South Florida and helps me with my sub-par setup.

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10 hours ago, MrBill said:

you know I'll always help you out Asbil.

THANKS. Right now HA is dead again after I obviously did something wrong. Tomorrow I will do a new install and I have a backup from earlier today

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