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can't see node server purchase history


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the other day all my node server except one did not show the product store blue tag.  I couldn't get them to come back. I deleted and re-installed and they came back.  I was in a hurry and didn't feel like reporting it.  However I noticed at the time my purchases was empty as well.  Today I saw a message come by. I knew I had a mix of trial and purchased node servers previously and was trying to figure which ones I had bought while the bugs were being worked out on others.  

here is the error.

4/22/2022, 16:28:59 [pg3] error: unhandledRejection REPORT THIS!: [object Promise], reason: TypeError: store.getPurchaseEntry is not a function

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If you click on the Purchases tab, it will take you to the purchased NS's page, but it doesn't list any actually purchased NS's. However if you click the Refresh button it will properly display purchased NS's.

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