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setting up polisys/insteon


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So I am one of the victims of the Insteon shutdown.  My hub stopped working. So I went out and purchased a Polisy and a PLM from EBAY..

The PLM is a USB, 

I have gotten to the admin console. When I try to restore PLM, I am on a never ending loop of system busy dialog that keep repeating itself.

What do I do? I have yet been able to figure out how to get the Polisy to see my insteon devices.. 

I am unable to find the step by step instruction of setting up Polisy and PLM from scratch. 

I am a former ISY owner BTW...  I used to use one.  I switched to Insteon hub because I found PLMs to be unreliable. I went  through at least 3 of them. and I constantly had issues with it communicating to various devices. they would work for a few weeks, then ISY would have issues communicating to random devices. The hub resolved this... 

So I dont really remember how to do the setup. Am I supposed to so something with the PLM? How to I know the PLM is working? how do I know the Polisy is communicating to PLM?

Any  help will be appreciate 



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The restore option is not applicable when you're moving over from the Hub.

You need to treat this as a brand-new install. You should factory reset all your devices and the PLM then Install them one at a time

Here's the Polisy instructions:

Polisy:User Guide - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki (universal-devices.com)

Make sure that your polisy firmware and your UI are the same version.

Take a look at the attached ISY Cookbook, it should answer most of your questions. If you still have questions someone is always here on the forum to answer them.

ISY Cookbook.pdf

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I would also add that if the ISY or IoP has trouble communicating with Insteon devices, your system probably has some interface or a device that is creating noise which in turn is causing the issue. The wiki has troubleshooting steps to help figure out where the noise is coming from.

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Thanks for the fast replies. Looks like I got a lot of manual work ahead me


WRT interference. That was my suspicion. I put on filters, tried to turn off household stuff. no matter what I would still have random device communication issues. And if I had interference problems I don’t see how switching to a I Insteon hub would fix it. There would have still been issues. But as soon as I cut out the PLM and ISY prob went away




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