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Node server Online showing 1 in AC


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I had several issues while using  Holidays Google of PG3 and  went back to PG2.

With my Google Calendar sub calendars, the Node server created several nodes, 2 fort each sub calendar and 1 for the controller.  Some of these nodes seemed to work properly but show "0" on either the day or year. When I restarted the Node server in PG3 to see if this would be corrected (it did not), none of  nodes  showed in the Node server "Nodes" and in the Administrative Console, the "Holidays Node server Online"  shows " 1 " and I am pretty sure that it showed " True " before.

In the log I notice an error "  2022-04-22 11:53:24,892 Thread-2 udi_interface ERROR holidays:parameterHandler: Error getting credentials: (invalid_grant) Bad Request  "

I deleted and re-installed the Node server a few times, but the same situation happens again (some nodes  'date' or ' year' appearing as ' 0 ' and  the nodes disappearing in the PG3 Node server Dashboard.

Furthermore, in PG2 on several occasions,  if I had an event the following day the Tomorrow node would correctly show True but then at midnight the Today node remained at False, with the Tomorrow node still (incorrectly) at True. Firstone looked several times at my logs and could not find anything wrong and together we concluded that maybe one of my many Holidays Google related programs somehow created a problem.

HOWEVER, when I installed HG PG3 on Isy on Polisy, and not having any programs using HG on IoP, I noted that the same happened. My understanding now is that the issue is not because any of my programs (because there none on my IoP).

The issue still happens from time to time on the PG2 version and in fact last night when I entered an event today  in my Google calendar, the relevant Tomorrow  node remained at False until I rebooted Polisy. I am not techie enough to understand whether or not the rebooting of Polisy was the reason of the correct node status.

As mentioned above, I have gone back to using the PG2 version of HG. This is one of my favorite node servers and hopefully the cause of the day mis-match can be identified.

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I tried setting up Holidays Google and get the same invalid grant/bad request error.  It really needs to authenticate with Google before it can access the calendars so that's pretty much a fatal error.

I have no idea why that's failing. The PG3 version is just a conversion of the PG2 version so the actually operation of the node hasn't changed. 

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@bpwwer The good news is that you were able to replicate my error. The other thing is that when I restarted the Node server on IoP (to get latest version) it did indeed show  1.0.1, but  in the dashboard it still showed the message that I needed to restart to get new version.

I tried several times, but ended up to delete and re-install the Node server. That worked, but now in the Administrative Console instead of True or False, it shows 1 or 0 :


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@asbril & @bpwwer, do you happen to have more than one Google Holidays Node server (either PG2 or PG3) running on Polisy? I found that if I had my old PG2 version running when I tried the PG3 version I saw errors like you're seeing. Whe I removed all of them and restarted with new token, I did get the error anymore.

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7 hours ago, DaveStLou said:

@asbril & @bpwwer, do you happen to have more than one Google Holidays Node server (either PG2 or PG3) running on Polisy? I found that if I had my old PG2 version running when I tried the PG3 version I saw errors like you're seeing. Whe I removed all of them and restarted with new token, I did get the error anymore.

To clarify (just in case it makes a difference) I run  both ISY and ISY on Polisy. The reason is that I have some 80 Zwave devices and there is no Zwave migration tool yet.  I  manually moved some 12 Zwave devices (2 rooms)  to IoP, so in fact I "split" my home in 2.

When the PG3 came out, I removed the PG2 and installed PG3 first only on ISY where I have numerous programs using Holidays Google. This caused the issues described earlier. I removed and re-installed the PG3 several times, but the problems remained. I then decided to go back to PG2 on my ISY but kept the PG3 version on IoP. On IoP I have no programs running Holidays Google.

Thinking about your explanation, I am not sure that it explains as initially I was no longer running PG2.


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39 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

I didn't have Holidays Google running on anything but PG3 when I tried it.  I don't use it so I had to create a Google calendar to test.

Apparently my experience was coincidental and not causal.

I can confirm that I see 1 and 0 rather than True or False in the Today and Tomorrow nodes.

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I screwed up the status for the different nodes.  It should be fixed in version 1.0.2 so that the Today/Tomorrow nodes show True/False and the main node shows connected/disconnected/failed.

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5 hours ago, bpwwer said:

I screwed up the status for the different nodes.  It should be fixed in version 1.0.2 so that the Today/Tomorrow nodes show True/False and the main node shows connected/disconnected/failed.

Same as what happened when updating 1.0.1 to 1.0.2,   when updating to 1.0.3 the message to update does not go away even though the update appears completed.

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I have the same issue with the new version 1.01 and just tried with 1.02. 

When I first authenticate I paste the token and choose save.

then all my calendars show up in the grey configuration box but never in ISY.  If I restart the Node server the calendars never come back in the grey area or the ISY.   Do I need to add them as a key field in configuration or something?


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In configuration you will see the name (s) of your calendar(s).  In Calendar Name, you must copy/paste,  in a separate Add Value for each, the  calendar(s) for which you want a Today and Tomorrow node to be added to your ISY and then click on save. Instead of copy/paste you can just type the name but I find it easier to copy/paste to make sure that I have the exact spelling.

6 hours ago, macjeff said:

I have the same issue with the new version 1.01 and just tried with 1.02. 

When I first authenticate I paste the token and choose save.

then all my calendars show up in the grey configuration box but never in ISY.  If I restart the Node server the calendars never come back in the grey area or the ISY.   Do I need to add them as a key field in configuration or something?



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14 minutes ago, asbril said:

In configuration you will see the name (s) of your calendar(s).  In Calendar Name, you must copy/paste,  in a separate Add Value for each, the  calendar(s) for which you want a Today and Tomorrow node to be added to your ISY and then click on save. Instead of copy/paste you can just type the name but I find it easier to copy/paste to make sure that I have the exact spelling.


That’s probably why it’s not working for me. Is there any chance you could send me an example of exactly how to put it in there under custom configurations. I know my counter names will be different but I wanna make sure I have them today and tomorrow correct.  There are no instructions after you get the original authentication done which is working but then it’s stuck

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5 minutes ago, macjeff said:

That’s probably why it’s not working for me. Is there any chance you could send me an example of exactly how to put it in there under custom configurations. I know my counter names will be different but I wanna make sure I have them today and tomorrow correct.  There are no instructions after you get the original authentication done which is working but then it’s stuck

I will send you a picture in a moment, but did you add the Google Authentication Token ?

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7 minutes ago, asbril said:

I will send you a picture in a moment, but did you add the Google Authentication Token ?


I actually use 9 calendars with HG but this shows only a few.

If you still have issues, then pm me with your phone nr and  I'll try to guide you over the phone.

isy hg.jpg

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14 minutes ago, asbril said:


I actually use 9 calendars with HG but this shows only a few.

If you still have issues, then pm me with your phone nr and  I'll try to guide you over the phone.

isy hg.jpg

My token is in there and as soon as I enter it all of my cakendars show up in the gray section so I know it’s talking to it.  I listed all of my calendars like you did and waited and nothing happened and then I restarted the node server and now all the calendar names are gone From the gray area. Giving up for now   I have to head out for now


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3 hours ago, macjeff said:

Update… Just tried to pg2 version and it works fine so my issues are only with the PG 3 version

I also have issues with the PG3 version and I also reverted to using the PG2 version.

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