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ISY Launcher issue on Mojave 10.14.6 (not compatible)


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Hey Techman,

I am on Mojave 10.14.6 and am also having trouble after upgrading to 5.3.4. I get a launcher icon, but it says that version is not compatible with 10.14. Using your link from above will get me a start.jnlp icon on my desktop that will launch the ISY launcher, but then I have to choose to download the admin console from the LAN or Cloud. Both work, and I end up with a working Admin console, but it takes a long time and I do not get a 'program' that I can have in my dock like I could with 5.3.0

From the post:

it says

7.  Launch the 5.3.0 Admin Console and/or Dashboard by going to the following link:

  -  https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp

  Note: If you have version 5.0.8 or lower installed on your ISY, then use this link instead:

  -  http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.3.4/admin.jnlp

  Note: MAC 10.6.x users must use the following links instead

  -  http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.3.4/admin16.jnlp (Admin Console)

Using the http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.3.4/admin.jnlp  link I get a admin.jnlp icon that I can put in my dock as a document, by the trash, but not something that can hang out in program area of the dock like I used to be able to.

Same if I use the http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.3.4/admin16.jnlp  link.

I can make this work and live with it, but is there another option to have it like it used to be? Is there a benefit to using http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.3.4/admin.jnlp  vs  http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.3.4/admin16.jnlp

I can detect no difference in launch/use.

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MAC has been an anomaly for most of us that are windows based to try to help understand why the ISY Launcher does or doesn't work for different macOS users. It seems to be a hit and miss issue.

Have you followed the steps in the Wiki? Found here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#MAC_Users

The launcher link should download "start.jnlp". Run that and it should add the ISY Launcher to the desktop. Then, when you activate the launcher it should open a window for ISY Finder (seen below). Then you can click on the ISY process you want to access and run admin console (as you say from the lan or cloud version). I would suggest the "cloud" option if you're connecting to an ISY994i because the lan method is using encryption and the ISY994i is slow to deliver the AC that way. The cloud is usually a little quicker. 

Launcher Menu.png


But, this still brings us back to the warning you say that launcher isn't compatible with your version of macOS. That's a new one (for me). 


PS: Split out from the post you tagged onto as your issue wasn't directly related (other than also being macOS). This way you might get other assistance with a new topic. 

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