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Full update on Polisy and now appears (mostly) dead


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After I did full update on my Polisy (from v12 to v13 of the OS), I noticed that my MagicHome node server was not working and posted here:

But it appears to be deeper than that as the PG2 log is not running (and appears to have stopped after first reboot) and MagicHome stopped running after the second reboot, so looking for more system level help (please)

I can log into the PG2 web interface and ssh to the Polisy, but the PG2 logs are doing nothing and the MagicHome node server is just "disconnected"...I've updated, uninstalled/reinstalled MagicHome and rebooted the Polisy a couple times.

System appears to have updated as expected and noted nothing unusual in the process.

[admin@polisy ~]$ uname -a
FreeBSD polisy 13.0-RELEASE-p11 FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE-p11 #21 releng/13.0-n244800-d7fd130ebe5: Wed Apr  6 17:54:11 UTC 2022     ec2-user@bsdev.isy.io:/usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/POLISY  amd64

Looking at dmesg, I've got a flood of "ath0: ath_edma_recv_tasklet: sc_inreset_cnt > 0; skipping"

igb0: link state changed to UP
ubt0 on uhub2
ubt0: <vendor 0x0cf3 product 0xe003, class 224/1, rev 1.10/0.02, addr 3> on usbus1
WARNING: attempt to domain_add(bluetooth) after domainfinalize()
WARNING: attempt to domain_add(netgraph) after domainfinalize()
Security policy loaded: MAC/ntpd (mac_ntpd)
ath0: ath_edma_recv_tasklet: sc_inreset_cnt > 0; skipping
ath0: ath_edma_recv_tasklet: sc_inreset_cnt > 0; skipping
ath0: ath_edma_recv_tasklet: sc_inreset_cnt > 0; skipping
ath0: ath_edma_recv_tasklet: sc_inreset_cnt > 0; skipping
ath0: ath_edma_recv_tasklet: sc_inreset_cnt > 0; skipping


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