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Left Admin Console pane stay resized


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there's half a dozen temp files.... below is a paste from the wiki on another issue, so you can locate them.  They must not be staying around for you.  I know on some linux distro's java puts them in /tmp or /temp for the user and that often gets wiped during logins.  In general most of your setting stay around if those files do.   If one gets corrupt tho, you may loose your settings as it detects and re-initializes the file.

Admin Console Minimized/Invisible and Cannot be Restored

This is usually related Admin Console state files not being updated properly and especially in case of multi monitors. All you need to do is to find the following files in Java temp directory (on Windows: c:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Temp) and delete them. Or, you can simply search the computer for udi_*.* file patterns:

  • udi_tree.state
  • udi_frame.state
  • udi_pgm.state
  • udi_finder.state
  • udi_launcher.state


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@MrBillThanks, I was having the same issue with the AC navigation panel not remembering it's width between sessions. In that Win10 Temp folder I only had these 4 files:

  • udi_frame.state
  • udi_launcher.state
  • udi_pgm.state
  • udi_tree.state

I deleted all 4 files while AC was running. After exiting AC, the files were recreated, except for the udi_launcher.state file. When I ran the ISY Launcher it was missing http entry and only had https entry. But, all is well and the AC navigation panel width is now remember across sessions. I was able to readd the http entry at port 8080 in the Launcher and it is also remembered across sessions.

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