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polling interval


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@bpwwerI have the PG3 nodes for WB, OW & WF. Running the PG3 .55 BETA.

I presume that on the free weather service accounts, Weather Bit and other public weather servers, they will restrict polling intervals for IP identified requests.

I have a Tempest for most of my weather data, but still pull in WB and OW for the winds (sheltered location) and forecasts.

I'm not concerned with Weatherflow of course, but for WB & OW Is the polling interval that the weather service sees, determined by what happens in an IoP program, or is the polling interval determined and set in the PG3 node?

I don't need the forecast at any rapid intervals, every 6hrs is fine, just want to be sure I'm not locking myself out to up-to-date data at random if for example the punitive lock outs are for 24 or 48 hrs.

* Orest

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Yes, the free accounts do have limits, typically on the number of requests that can be made in a 24hr period.  I don't remember what those limits are for the various services but I did try to set the default polling intervals to be high enough to not hit those limits.

It is the poll intervals set in the node server that define how often it makes requests to the service. ISY programs won't trigger additional requests.

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