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3 Beeps Over and Over and Over ...


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I've obviously borked the poor Polisy on my desk with my frustrated flailing ...

No matter what I do - power cycle, poke it with a paperclip, plug and unplug the network cable from my network - it doesn't join the network, its not visible on  the network (entering https://polisy into any of my browsers gets me an "Unable to Connect" response), and all it does is cycle through a REALLY annoying sequence of (facing front of unit where the LEDs live):

- 3 beeps

- then all 3 LEDs flash for 15 seconds

- while that's going on, the ISY944 blue Memory LED flashes once, then a second later 2-3 times

- then Polisy emits a "chirp", then left 2 LEDs flash for maybe 10 seconds

- then all 3 LEDs go on solid for 5 seconds, after which middle and right-most LEDs go off

- then left most LED stays solid for maybe 20 seconds

- then its back to the top: 3 beeps, etc ... repeat, repeat, repeat ...

If I can JUST get access to it again via browser or ssh, I should be good, but this thing is a black box (well, a blue box) when its misbehaving.

Could use some help before I go mad from those 3 beeps (assuming its not too late).

All I started to do was upgrade the ISY944/Polisy pair to IoP. ISY at 5.4.3 and Polisy at 2.2.13. I even dug into the back of my closet and actually FOUND (to my considerable surprise!) the serial cable that came with my 2413S PLM way back in 2017 !

Edited by f11
fixed sequence description
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Thanks Mr Bill - yeah, that's what I thought. But I figured asking the more experienced folks here was worth a shot, and that someone might recognize the symptoms I described and have a canned solution.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This issue is resolved now, but it took a while to get here.

Short version:
The Polisy was running a pretty old release of FreeBSD, and also needed to be reflashed. If you're having a similar problem, submit that ticket and Michel and team will help you.

Long version:
I tried using USB-serial cable with serial input to get access to Polisy's software. Doing so seemed to unblock a huge queue of loggjammed updates (pretty sure that was my fault with my flailing). Once these cleared, I could ssh into Polisy again. At that point Michel suggested sending the unit back to UDI in California - but I live in Canada and I KNOW what kind of costs and delays crossing that border twice will be incurred.

So I asked about some kind of remote login solution/reflash. Michel and his team worked for a couple days to log in to the deivce over the internet (GoToAssist, ssh, etc), but connections kept dropping. Finally MIchel suggested that, if I could dig up a mSATA to USB adapter, I could remove Polisy's 32GB SSD and use a downloaded image file to reflash the drive. That's the route we went - using an adapter I bought for a Raspberry Pi some years ago, I got the 32GB SSD reflashed in well under an hour, and when the newly flashed Polisy woke up again, it was fully functional (but the old configuration was gone - no surprise there, and that's what configuration notes are for).

Polisy now reports it's running FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE,  Version 2.2.13, Frontend Version: 2.2.9-5, ISY Version: 5.3.4. When I run ISY Launcher, it now lists Polisy 5.4.4 under the ISY994 along with upgrade button. I have to go through configuration again from my notes, and then figure out the IoP migration, but at least its now possible.

I am extremely grateful for Michel's help over the past few days - before he responded to my ticket, I thought my options were either to send the device back to the Mothership and not see it again for some weeks, or shelve/resell it and stick with the ISY994 until it was obsoleted..

Edited by f11
added note about Polisy in ISY Launcher
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