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Leak sensors missing heartbeats

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They came at 6:21 this morning.

Where might I find the program that send the notification? 

I have 4 programs written per Leak sensors. I sent you the Heartbeat Missed and Heartbeat repaired. 

The other two are Leak detected and leak repaired.


Only thing I can think of, and this might be the problem, I have a program called "Leak Start up alert" that for some reason, I disabled it. Wonder if I re enable it, would that solve the problem?

Some one in the forum told me to diable it as it was causing problem. I'll have to search my post history to see what it was and why.

Take a look at it.


Leak Startup Alert - [ID 00DE][Parent 00DD][Not Enabled][Run At Startup]

        $iStartup is 0
    And (
             $sLeakBasementturret is 1
          Or $sLeakNorthFurnace3rdflr is 1
          Or $sLeakBasementBathroom is 1
          Or $sLeakBasementWellTank is 1
          Or $sLeakBasementOffice is 1
          Or $sLeakSouthFurnace3rdflr is 1
          Or $sLeakBasementturretHB is 0
          Or $sLeakNorthFurnace3rdflrHB is 0
          Or $sLeakBasementBathroomHB is 0
          Or $sLeakBasementWellTankHB is 0
          Or $sLeakBasementOfficeHB is 0
          Or $sLeakSouthFurnace3rdflrHB is 0
        Send Notification to 'Michael Vesprini from ISY' content ' Leak Sensor Startup Alert'
        Wait  10 seconds
        Run Program 'North Furnace 3rd flr-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'Basement Turret-Heartbeat Missed ' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'Basement Bathroom-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'Basement Well Tank-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'Basement Office-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'South Furnace 3rd flr-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Wait  30 seconds
        $iStartup  = 1
        Run Program 'North Furnace 3rd flr-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'Basement Turret-Heartbeat Missed ' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'Basement Bathroom-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'Basement Well Tank-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'Basement Office-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Run Program 'South Furnace 3rd flr-Heartbeat Missed' (Then Path)
        Wait  30 seconds
        $iStartup  = 1




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I think that one is disabled because it's set Run At Startup (which will still happen).

Leak Startup Alert - [ID 00DE][Parent 00DD][Not Enabled][Run At Startup]


To find it, click a program name, then right click it and pick Find/Replace.  Change the drop-down to "Raw Text" and type "Send Notification"  (Upper and lower case matters).


You can drag this Find/Replace window out of the way by clicking in the header and moving it out of the way.  Press find multiple times to cycle thru all the programs that send notifications.


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OK, did that and that term is in every program associated with my leak detectors (24), the leak start up alert (1), the test programs we made (3), and two other programs that tell me my wet vac program has started and my wet vac program has stopped.

What does that tell us?

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12 minutes ago, Michaelv said:

OK, did that and that term is in every program associated with my leak detectors (24)

so if you have 6 leak detectors, and there are 24 programs with send notification that must mean there are 4 per leak detector?   If so, pick one leak detector and show each of the 4 associated with it.

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Here they are for one sensor.


Basement Bathroom-Heartbeat Missed - [ID 00E8][Parent 00DD]

        'Leak Sensors / Heartbeat / Basement Bathroom-Heartbeat' is switched On
     Or 'Leak Sensors / Heartbeat / Basement Bathroom-Heartbeat' is switched Off
        $sLeakBasementBathroomHB  = 1
        $sLeakBasementBathroomHB Init To $sLeakBasementBathroomHB
        Wait  25 hours 
        $sLeakBasementBathroomHB  = 0
        $sLeakBasementBathroomHB Init To $sLeakBasementBathroomHB
        Send Notification to 'Michael Vesprini from ISY' content ' Leak Sensor Heartbeat Alert - Level 1'
        Wait  12 hours 
        Repeat Every  12 hours 
           Send Notification to 'Michael Vesprini from ISY' content ' Leak Sensor Heartbeat Alert - Level 2'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Basement Bathroom-Heartbeat Repaired - [ID 00E9][Parent 00DD]

        $sLeakBasementBathroomHB is 1
    And $iStartup is 1
        Send Notification to 'Michael Vesprini from ISY' content ' Leak Sensor Heartbeat Leak Repaired'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Basement Bathroom-Leak Detected - [ID 00EA][Parent 00DD]

        'Leak Sensors / Wet / Basement Bathroom-Wet' Status is On
        $sLeakBasementBathroom  = 1
        $sLeakBasementBathroom Init To $sLeakBasementBathroom
        Repeat 6 times
           Send Notification to 'Michael Vesprini from ISY' content ' Leak Sensor Water Alert - Level 1'
           Wait  5 minutes 
        Repeat 1 times
           Wait  25 minutes 
        Repeat Every  30 minutes 
           Send Notification to 'Michael Vesprini from ISY' content ' Leak Sensor Water Alert - Level 2'
        $sLeakBasementBathroom  = 0
        $sLeakBasementBathroom Init To $sLeakBasementBathroom

Basement Bathroom-Leak Repaired - [ID 00EB][Parent 00DD]

        $sLeakBasementBathroom is 0
        Send Notification to 'Michael Vesprini from ISY' content ' Leak Sensor Water Leak Repaired'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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I'm so confused again... lol

it looks like you have individual notification content for all types of notifications, but the report that you are posting screenshots of seems like it's for all sensors. 

Bottom line, I think your sensors are sending heartbeats but you getting a lot of emails that make you think there's a problem.

As long as all the heartbeats are showing 1's in the report, it seems like you shouldn't be getting these.  like I said above tho, I don't understand why you are receiving summary reports when it looks like you have specific content for each type of notifications.

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Ok, Thanks for the help.


I am going to try this next.

On 7/12/2022 at 8:27 PM, larryllix said:

This just sounds like some links got dropped between the PLM and LDs.  A simple restore and/or complete reinstallation may be in order.

One other thing, try doing a dummy edit on your programs and save them again. Sometimes internal links get messed up in ISY. Program names appear good but the actual numeric links they represent get disjointed when you mess with hardware, sometimes.


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2 hours ago, Michaelv said:

Ok, Thanks for the help.


I am going to try this next.


But didn't we dertmine that your heartbeats are arriving?  You said you got emails from the programs I had you add... if that's correct you don't have broken links

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@Michaelv I've been watching from the sidelines just to see how this progressed. Thankfully I don't have any battery devices so I couldn't help along the way, but really looks like the next steps might be to scrap the old programs you had and write new ones. Apparently something in the old programs (or notifications) broke and you're not sure how to troubleshoot them to fix what you have. 

@MrBill recently made a great post about this same issue for another user (look here). That really outlines some great ways to get the heartbeat to send an alert.

I think what's really strange is your notifications and somehow your existing programs are triggering something that is triggering an odd notification. At least you comment that it appears to be wrong. Yet when you did the test with @MrBill things worked as expected. 

I know you've got it really detailed, and I've seen people post that they just copy programs (and notifications) that somebody else wrote (and posted elsewhere) many years ago. By copying other setups you might not really know what they've done. (Even though..."it used to work".)

So I think the easiest thing would be to start from scratch with new programs and new notifications. Because something isn't right with what you've been using. Why not just start anew and have that working from this point forward?


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16 hours ago, Michaelv said:

Ok, Then I am not sure where to go from here.



I'm not either.  One of the problems is that your email notifications seem to be customized, meaning you have multiple customization groups, but you've pasted in the same template to each., which is making it hard to find the program bug because we don't know which program is actually firing the email out.   Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm making guesses about your setup.

Remember the problem we took care of in IM?  it boiled down Repeat While $sLeakBasementturret is 1 instead of Repeat While $sLeakBasementturret is 0.   It seems like you have a similar problem in one program, but it's hard to find because the same email is going out from many programs, so you can't look at the content of the email and know which program sent it.

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