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2412S PLM not Discontinued.

Brian H

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I talked a friend into buying an ISY-99 from SmartHome, but it arrived with a defective PLM (Verified because the ISY works fine with my PLM).


SmartHome said today that they cannot replace it because the PLM has been discontinued, but they would issue a refund. Can you not buy ISY's any more? Is there another Insteon controller that will work with the ISY?

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Thats odd. I just ordered a replacement for my plm which was supplied when I purchased my ISY last March. They had no trouble doing a x-ship on it. That was last Friday I believe.


Perhaps you can call back and talk with someone else there.



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Thank you both for the reply - very informative!


SmartHome's website also shows they have them in stock, both the serial PLM alone, and with an ISY. So we tried yet again for the exchange, but SmartHome (Alex Morgan) says they have discontinued the serial PLM at least temporarily, and since they do not carry the PLM, a refund is required.

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Sounds like Smarthome/Smartlabs has a communications problem between departments. :roll:


I hope it is not discontinued as the 2413S Dual mesh PLM has been reported to be a problem with the ISY99i and you have to add an external power supply also. Along with the smaller Link Database memory size.


A check this morning. I still showing four versions of the ISY99i kits with 2412S PLM and the 2412S PLM is also still listed as in stock alone.

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Thank you both for the reply - very informative!


SmartHome's website also shows they have them in stock, both the serial PLM alone, and with an ISY. So we tried yet again for the exchange, but SmartHome (Alex Morgan) says they have discontinued the serial PLM at least temporarily, and since they do not carry the PLM, a refund is required.


I would talk to either Chris or Todd, both have been very helpful to me. Or pull out the big guns and contact Steve Lee who has also been very helpful. Steve works for Smart Labs, (sorry I couldn't find his number off hand).



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I hope it is not discontinued as the 2413S Dual mesh PLM has been reported to be a problem with the ISY99i.


Hopefully this is not correct. It's always a source of concern to me when I read things like this and if it is true then you would have to presume that either UDI or Smarthomes have departed from the specification in some way. Now what happens if our PLM's fail.

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I see in another thread here.

The UDI Team has found one of the problems with the 2413S was the V1 Thermostat Adapter.


Maybe the Customer Service Representative was thinking of the 2412SH HL2 PLM with HouseLinc 2 software. It is discontinued and the 2413SH is in the newer kits for HL2. HL2 PLMs are different than the standard ones we use with our ISY99i.

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Hi all... I'm the one with the issue. This is a clip from the response I received from SM last night:


From: Alex Morgan [mailto]

Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:11 PM

To: Newt

Subject: RE: Unhappy Customer ########


Hello Newt,

Thank you for your email.

The PLM's are included in the ISY-99 kits. We do not carry any stand alone Serial PLM's at this time.

I apologize, I would not be able to swap out the entire kit for a defective PLM as the ISY-99 works fine.




As suggested, I have sent an email to Steve Lee, but received an out-of-office bounce-back. Hopefully I'll hear something more productive soon.

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That is a change.

Last time I had a kit and one part was defective. I was told the whole kit had to be returned. The stock control computer could not handle replacing one part of the kit.


I just looked and the 2412S is still in stock alone. Though to find it you have to use a link on a different model PLM page or use the Comprehensive Search Feature on the web site.

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I purchased the ISY99i Pro and PLM as a kit last February - when I first purchased, I discovered the PLM issue (wasn't sending out X10 signals) and they swapped out just the PLM (with one of the exact same revision which also didn't send out X10 signals). I tried twice more over the months to get a working PLM (I know it is the PLM as I have been using a borrowed older revision that works fine). Smarthome told me each time they had never heard of the issue (even though I myself had previously reported it and there were others reporting the same issue on both the SM and UDI forums). I eventually grew tired of 30-40 minute wait times with no results and shelved the unit.


Coming up on a year, I once again worked myself up to trying to get it swapped out again, but am getting a complete run-around. They can, or can't swap it because it is or is not in a kit while at the same time being in or out of stock and/or discontinued. Say what????




Putting my eggs in the Steve Lee basket...

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Customer service should have said they were out of stock and not discontinued. We are trying to keep enough 2412's in stock to sell with the ISY until the next shipment of PLM's come in. We are also planning to make a kit with the 2413 which I have been using with my ISY in my home for the last 4 months. I like it because it helps me gain a hop. If anyone needs to contact me direct please do so. I will be traveling for the next week and a half but if you send me an email to info@insteon.net along wiith your phone number and something in the title that says you are from this board then I will see what I can do to help.






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I just recieved an email from someone on the board that I was not able to open but I believe they wanted to know if the 2412 would always be available.

To the best of my knowledge we will continue to sell the 2412 until all of the 3rd party partners agree to move to the 2413 as the interface of choice.




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That is where the third party partners come in. The 2413 may go through some changes to the point that our partners feel that it will more than meet the needs of the current and former users. If that realization is not meet than the 2412 will continue to be available.

There may be a point that Smarthome only sells the 2413 with their Houselinc software, at this point I do not know the answer to that.




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  • 1 month later...

I am a little concerned that I keep seeing references to problems with the Dual Band PLMs and X-10 devices. I just ordered an ISY-99i with the Dual Band PLM. I am setting up my brother-in-laws house as a Birthday gift from my sister. Since SH was out of stock on the single band PLMs, I didn't have a choice but to go for the Dual Band. My brother-in-law has quite a few X-10 devices that I need to be able to control.


Is this a problem that SH has acknowledged and is working on or are these issues very isolated?

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I have only seen one report of the 2413S having X10 problems. In the Smarthome Forums. The user was sending direct commands to the PLM from his program not through an ISY99i.


I do know some of the 2412S earlier Firmware Versions had X10 problems.

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Thanks Brian for the help. So are there any issues with the 2413S PLMs? It does seem that there are quite a few people who do not want the 2412S to go away. I did see Steve's post about the 2412S being a little faster than the 2413S. I am only looking for what is the most reliable. I have seen on the net where the 2412S are still available and would want to pick one up (if they are the preferred solution) and send the dual band back to SH before my 30 day refund policy expires.


On a different but related question is what do most people use as a reliable phase coupler, the wired signalinc or the access points. I say related because I was going to use the dual band PLM as one of the access points for phase coupling.


Sorry if these are basic questions but I am just beginning the ISY-99i journey. Thanks for your time.



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