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Can't Change Ramp Rate


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Sorry if this is covered someplace but I couldn't find it. I am on 2.7.8 and I just added two new Dual -Band Lamp-lincs. Since this version des not support replace for these devices, I just added them to the scene they need to be in and configured them to match the old ones.


The RemoteLinc controlling the scene using button 2 works fine but the scene on button 1 (which I did not edit) somehow got it's ramp rate changed to 9 minutes. If I try to change it back to 2 seconds I get an error that says "request failed" or "cannot open file xxxx - I can't remember the path and can't get it to repeat).


Tried clearing Java cache, tried rebooting ISY. Any ideas what else I can try?

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Hi upstatemike,


This is a known issue in 2.7.8 and above. 2.7.11 should fix it.


With kind regards,


Sorry if this is covered someplace but I couldn't find it. I am on 2.7.8 and I just added two new Dual -Band Lamp-lincs. Since this version des not support replace for these devices, I just added them to the scene they need to be in and configured them to match the old ones.


The RemoteLinc controlling the scene using button 2 works fine but the scene on button 1 (which I did not edit) somehow got it's ramp rate changed to 9 minutes. If I try to change it back to 2 seconds I get an error that says "request failed" or "cannot open file xxxx - I can't remember the path and can't get it to repeat).


Tried clearing Java cache, tried rebooting ISY. Any ideas what else I can try?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately neither 2.7.11 nor 2.7.12 fixed this. I still get this error if I try to change the ramp rate from 9min to 2 sec:


[-110022] couldn't open file [/CONF/FYP.CFG]

[-110022] couldn't open file [/CONF/ADR.CFG]


After this error displays once any further attempt just results in "request failed"

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Hi upstatemike,


Those errors are unrelated and have to do with Flex Your Power and Auto Open ADR not being configured properly. In short, you have no errors.


Would you be kind enough to send the following to tech@unviersal-devices.com:

1. Event Viewer log on level 3

2. Try adjusting the Ramp Rate


And, please do ensure that you are using the correct URL.


With kind regards,


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Not sure what you mean by the correct url? I use a fixed IP address so my url is always


The event viewer does not register anything when i attempt the ramp rate change and get the "request failed" error.


On the same device I do get acvtivity when I try to move the level from 0% (where it is stuck) to 100% and get a "request failed" error... I can send you that log.


Also note I do not have either Flex Your Power or Auto Open ADR enabled.

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Hi upstatemike,


I got your logs and it seems that ISY is trying to write to that device but it fails. Do you have a green 0101 icon for your LL?


Do you have the same issue for all the scenes for which this LL is a responder or is it only one scene? If one scene, may I humbly request that you remove it from the scene and add it back in?


With kind regards,


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Nope, no green 1010 icons. Device 00.1A.5A is a SwitchLinc Dimmer v.22 and has been in the scene for years. Nothing has changed in this scene.


The only change made was to add new LampLincs to button 2 on a RemoteLinc. Button 1 on this same RemoteLinc is a controller for the problem scene.


It was after changing that button 2 scene that the button 1 scene lost its level and ramp settings. Maybe I need to delete and reinstall the remoteLinc?

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Hi upstatemike,


What happens if you go to Tools | Diagnostics | Show ISY Links table for that device? Do you get anything?


If not, then the problem is that:

a. There are pending device writes for that device

b. The configuration file for that device is missing or is corrupt


With kind regards,



I can read the device link table OK but when I hit compare I just get the circular "wait" icon and nothing ever comes up... am I not doing it correctly?
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