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Cannot toggle output zone status after upgrading to 3.4.9

Go to solution Solved by AKAPADIA,

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I have a browser based repro where in one window I do a GET on and in another window a GET on abd the output remains On:

<node flag="0" nodeDefId="output">
<name>HVAC-Bed 2</name>
<family instance="3">10</family>
<parent type="1">n003_controller</parent>
<property id="ST" value="100" formatted="On" uom="78"/>
<property id="TIME" value="0" formatted="0 seconds" uom="58"/>
This is working for other Output zones. This only started breaking after I upgraded.
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JFYI, I have restarted the Node server and rebooted the polisy multiple times but it doesn't help. In the previous version (3.8.8), every so often (every few weeks) I would bump into this situation where output cmds would stop being honored (even though they would return HTTP 200). I had to reboot the Polisy device to fix. Now, the reboot doesn't work.

Also, there is nothing in the Node server log even when set to DEBUG.

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