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New KPL's


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I have very old KPL's. Is there any advantage to upgrading them other than dimmable button lights? My old ones work OK but keep my wife awake at night. I'm happy to spend the couple hundred bucks, but what do you guys who have used both think? How about the original SW's, any value there or wait until they shoot craps?






PS. Only 65 more days until the ice goes off the lake!

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The KPL's I have allow you to dim by holding two buttons, but it is still room-brightening. The wife hates them. I'm tempted to upgrade just for the dimming option, but wonder if there is any other benefit.



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alf, I have the exact question you have. I looked some of the spec sheets and don't really see any glaring advantages.


As you mention, perhaps some have both and can give their opinion.


In a sense, I hope their is no additional benefit to a later rev KPL's because I know I'll be tempted to plop down a few hundred as well.

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I have both versions. The only other benefit besides dimmable buttons, you have turn on and off sound when you press a button. I like the sound to confirm I did press button instead thinking if it was a communication problem when I didn't press hard enough.

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I'm tempted to upgrade just for the dimming option, but wonder if there is any other benefit.


1. You now have a spare

2. You can use the old one in a different application, making your system better


Other than that (and the dimming and, I guess, sound), I am unaware of any major advantages.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have older KPLs in my bedroom that don't dim. They came with the clear do-it-yourself button kit. I just made a template in photoshop for the buttons and printed them on photo paper with white letters on a black background. When printed in high quality mode on an inkjet it cuts the light down a LOT and they're very easily readable. I quite like them - and my wife does too... she can't sleep with any light in the room.



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