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SwitchLinc version is unclear


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I have 10 SwitchLincs installed, they all have a small white label on the metal mounting bracket that reads v4.0. The ISY reads the firmware on one switch as version v.35 and the other nine as v.00


Does anyone know what is going on here, why the firmware version is unclear and how do I determine the correct firmware version for each of these SwitchLincs.



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Hi wwat,


The problem is how you added them to ISY. If you did not use Auto Discover, then ISY would not have a clue as to what the version number is (and thus 00).


With kind regards,




I have 10 SwitchLincs installed, they all have a small white label on the metal mounting bracket that reads v4.0. The ISY reads the firmware on one switch as version v.35 and the other nine as v.00


Does anyone know what is going on here, why the firmware version is unclear and how do I determine the correct firmware version for each of these SwitchLincs.



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So I removed a SwitchLinc, ran 'Auto Discover' and the v3.5 appeared instead of the .00 which is helpful to know.


The part of this puzzle that really has me wondering is why the SwitchLincs have v4.0 printed on the units themselves and at the sametime have firmware version v3.5 as evidenced when viewed from the ISY admin interface.


If anyone can shed some light on that I'd appreciate it. I've been having the intermittent scene response failure and this could be the answer. All along I was thinking they were version v4.0 SwitchLincs


Many Thanks,

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I believe the white sticker is hardware revision and more than one firmware could be in it.


In earlier days Smarthome put a hardware and firmware sticker on the modules; in addition to the six digit ID label.



It's making a lot more sense now, unfortunately I have a lot more v35 than I realized.



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The modules have a firmware update connector in them. I have seen reports it follows the Microchip PIC Micro controller format as PIC Chips are the Micro controller in use.


Few points.

Most modules have a power line derived power supply and AC Line is actually connected to the logic 5 volts. That could be an extreme shock hazard.


Also I seriously doubt Smarthome/Smartlabs would ever release firmware files to the public or even an authorized dealer.


Can the firmware be updated. Yes as Simplehomenet sends the PLM back to Smarthome for firmware updates. When you purchase an EZIO8SA with PLM upgrade. Most likely other modules also but the PLM can according the Simplehomenet.

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