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2411T Ir transmitter


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I never claim to be the brightest bulb..... I followed the instructions on setting this device up..... put the ISY in linking mode, double tap the device, point and press remote till beep, (now the guide says there should be a second set of beeps which never occures) when I use this method and click finish for the ISY it goes through the process, does not give me any errors, which I would recieve if I just tried linking with out an IR code *node*) but never shows up in the ISY. What am I doing wrong I tried 3 different remotes. Is it possible to let my ISY 99IR pro learn the commands and write them to the transmitter. Well guess first have to get the transmitter to appear in ISY



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The new beta version, alpha

Also when I try manual linking by putting in the address, get the node error but the address should be 0F.A7.34 which is what I put in but on the error message it says [F A7 34 1] it missing the 0, I never paid attention if this is normal because most of the times my devices just work.

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Hi Rob,


I would not worry about the address: one is ISY formatted the other is INSTEON formatted.


If you were following this procedure:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... ransmitter


And, you did not hear the beep, then I suspect there's something wrong either with the Remote Code you are trying to teach IRLinc or the IRLinc itself. Please note that you have to Factory Reset your IRLinc TX before attempting this procedure.


With kind regards,


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Ok i follow the instructions exactly, tried several times fectory reset, I now hear the second beep, so I program two buttons from 2 different remotes, and click finish (keeping the existing links) and tried (removing existing links) It seems to up date and shows writing to the device, when it is done I have no errors, but I cannot find the transmitter or any nodes. Like it did a blank run. At least the errors are gone, but how do I see the device or buttons I promgramed in the transmitter???


Ps my ir receiver had zero problems

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Hi robandcathy,


That's quite odd ... if you didn't get any errors, they should have been added. Would you please click on the Network node and look at the list of devices you have?


If you do not have them listed, would you be kind enough to retry and this time use Event Viewer on Level 3 and send us the log (support@universal-devices.com).


With kind regards,


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