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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

ST-Inventory errors for IoP since upgrade to PG 3.1.12 but still works fine with 994i


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I purchased a license of ST-Inventory a while back and it was running fine for both my 994i and IoP. Since upgrading to PG3 3.1.12, it refuses to work for IoP. It works fine for 994i. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing for IoP - no joy.

When I go to the store and read "More Info" for it https://github.com/simplextech/pg3_docs/tree/main/ST-Inventory it appears to be the same version (1.08) but I don't see the same configuration options. Here's what I see for both 994i and IoP.



Here are the PG3 log entries following the uninstall/install:

11/2/2022, 08:31:44 [pg3] info: [00:0d:b9:53:c7:dc_1] :: Installation Complete. Added 'ST-Inventory' to database...
11/2/2022, 08:31:44 [pg3] info: [00:0d:b9:53:c7:dc_1] 'ST-Inventory' installed into ISY successfully...
11/2/2022, 08:31:45 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory
11/2/2022, 08:31:46 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory is valid
11/2/2022, 08:31:46 [pg3] info: checkLicense:: ST-Inventory Valid perpetual license found.
11/2/2022, 08:31:46 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory finished update check
11/2/2022, 08:31:46 [pg3] info: [ST-Inventory(1)] :: Starting Node server - Version 1.0.8
11/2/2022, 08:31:46 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory updating database (enabled, timestarted)
11/2/2022, 08:31:47 [pg3] error: [ST-Inventory(1)] :: STDERR: /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db953c7dc_1/st-inventory.js:1
'use strict';const a1_0x37af3c=a1_0x1d18;(function(_0x2876b7,_0x35bf8f){const _0x25de5a=a1_0x1d18,_0x2951ea=_0x2876b7();while(!![]){try{const _0x3bcf70=-parseInt(_0x25de5a(0x18b))/0x1+-parseInt(_0x25de5a(0x178))/0x2+-parseInt(_0x25de5a(0x183))/0x3*(-parseInt(_0x25de5a(0x179))/0x4)+-parseInt(_0x25de5a(0x17f))/0x5+-parseInt(_0x25de5a(0x163))/0x6+parseInt(_0x25de5a(0x185))/0x7*(parseInt(_0x25de5a(0x182))/0x8)+parseInt(_0x25de5a(0x16f))/0x9;if(_0x3bcf70===_0x35bf8f)break;else _0x2951ea['push'](_0x2951ea['shift']());}catch(_0x471660){_0x2951ea['push'](_0x2951ea['shift']());}}}(a1_0x10f2,0x8a380));function a1_0x1d18(_0x59cac8,_0x6ee69f){const _0x10f24d=a1_0x10f2();return a1_0x1d18=function(_0x1d18a6,_0x401601){_0x1d18a6=_0x1d18a6-0x154;let _0x57df81=_0x10f24d[_0x1d18a6];return _0x57df81;},a1_0x1d18(_0x59cac8,_0x6ee69f);}trapUncaughtExceptions();const fs=require('fs'),markdown=require(a1_0x37af3c(0x186))[a1_0x37af3c(0x186)],AsyncLock=require(a1_0x37af3c(0x16c)),P
11/2/2022, 08:31:47 [pg3] error: [ST-Inventory(1)] :: STDERR: olyglot=require(a1_0x37af3c(0x172)),logger=Polyglot[a1_0x37af3c(0x164)],lock=new AsyncLock({'timeout':0x1f4}),ControllerNode=require(a1_0x37af3c(0x17d))(Polyglot);logger[a1_0x37af3c(0x17e)](a1_0x37af3c(0x156));const poly=new Polyglot[(a1_0x37af3c(0x18e))]([ControllerNode]);poly['on'](a1_0x37af3c(0x168),function(){const _0x2e09b6=a1_0x37af3c;logger[_0x2e09b6(0x17e)](_0x2e09b6(0x180));}),poly['on'](a1_0x37af3c(0x17a),function(_0x43f89e){const _0x2028ec=a1_0x37af3c,_0x1ccb2d=Object['keys'](_0x43f89e[_0x2028ec(0x177)])[_0x2028ec(0x16a)];logger[_0x2028ec(0x17e)]('Config\x20received\x20has\x20%d\x20nodes',_0x1ccb2d);if(_0x43f89e[_0x2028ec(0x166)]){poly[_0x2028ec(0x16d)]();const _0x3f1dab=fs[_0x2028ec(0x191)](_0x2028ec(0x165));poly[_0x2028ec(0x169)](markdown[_0x2028ec(0x18d)](_0x3f1dab['toString']()));if(!_0x1ccb2d)try{logger['info'](_0x2028ec(0x15e)),callAsync(autoCreateController());}catch(_0x55a676){logger[_0x2028ec(0x15b)](_0x2028ec(0x16e),_0x55a676);}}}),poly['on'](a1_0x37af3c(0x157),function(_0x186411){}),poly['on'](a1_0x37af3c(0x184),function(){const _0xf25299=a1_0x37af3c;try{const _0x1dac6e=poly['getNodes']();Object[_0xf25299(0x159)](_0x1dac6e)[_0xf25299(0x155)](function(_0x9d50f6){const _0x3812fc=_0xf25299;if(_0x3812fc(0x16b)in _0x1dac6e[_0x9d50f6]){let _0x399039=_0x1dac6e[_0x9d50f6][_0x3812fc(0x16b)]();_0x399039&&logger['info'](_0x3812fc(0x18f));}});}catch(_0xd9070d){logger[_0xf25299(0x15b)](_0xf25299(0x170),_0xd9070d);}}),poly['on'](a1_0x37af3c(0x17c),function(_0x55e57d){callAsync(doPoll(_0x55e57d));}),poly['on'](a1_0x37af3c(0x161),async function(){const _0x23116e=a1_0x37af3c;logger[_0x23116e(0x17e)](_0x23116e(0x17b)),poly[_0x23116e(0x161)]();}),poly['on']('delete',function(){const _0x2b5c57=a1_0x37af3c;logger[_0x2b5c57(0x17e)](_0x2b5c57(0x181)),poly[_0x2b5c57(0x161)]();}),poly['on'](a1_0x37af3c(0x18a),function(){const _0x5dcb65=a1_0x37af3c;logger['info'](_0x5dcb65(0x176));}),poly['on'](a1_0x37af3c(0x162),function(_0x2abf7e){const _0x3e1899=a1_0x37af3c;!_0x2abf7e[_0x3e1899(0x17a)]&&logger[_0x3e1899(0x189)]('Message\x20Received:\x20%o',_0x2abf7e);}),poly['on']('messageSent',function(_0x5ab640){const _0x39f2ec=a1_0x37af3c;logger['debug'](_0x39f2ec(0x192),_0x5ab640);});function a1_0x10f2(){const _0x323638=['200BvYpdz','309xrAFAR','discover','64491aqyjyO','markdown','message','controller','debug','mqttEnd','326716dXLHzf','ST-Inventory','toHTML','Interface','Discovering\x20Nodes','Error\x20creating\x20controller\x20node','readFileSync','Message\x20Sent:\x20%o','getNodes','forEach','Starting\x20Node\x20Server','customParams','newController','keys','Short\x20Poll:\x20Inventory','error','uncaughtException\x20REPORT\x20THIS!:\x20','uncaughtException','Auto-creating\x20controller','Long\x20Poll:\x20Inventory','Error\x20while\x20polling:\x20%s','stop','messageReceived','5325288KdUHTi','logger','./configdoc.md','isInitialConfig','Error\x20with\x20async\x20function:\x20%s\x20%s','mqttConnected','setCustomParamsDoc','length','onDiscover','async-lock','removeNoticesAll','Error\x20while\x20auto-creating\x20controller\x20node:','6689826FBIpFL','Discover\x20Failed:\x20%s','addNoticeTemp','polyinterface-v3','stack','acquire','Controller\x20node\x20initialized','MQTT\x20connection\x20ended.','nodes','488150hbanfE','42852yCDVZc','config','Graceful\x20stop','poll','./Nodes/ControllerNode.js','info','262975lyPzzH','MQTT\x20Connection\x20started','Node\x20Server\x20is\x20being\x20deleted'];a1_0x10f2=function(){return _0x323638;};return a1_0x10f2();}async function doPoll(_0x28d45c){const _0x1f0331=a1_0x37af3c;try{const _0x32724d=poly[_0x1f0331(0x154)]();await lock[_0x1f0331(0x174)](_0x1f0331(0x17c),function(){const _0x41b6ce=_0x1f0331;_0x28d45c?logger[_0x41b6ce(0x17e)](_0x41b6ce(0x15f)):(logger[_0x41b6ce(0x17e)](_0x41b6ce(0x15a)),Object['keys'](_0x32724d)[_0x41b6ce(0x155)](function(_0x20227a){const _0x1cf74e=_0x41b6ce;'onDiscover'in _0x32724d[_0x20227a]&&_0x32724d[_0x20227a][_0x1cf74e(0x16b)]();}));});}catch(_0x3ae021){logger['error'](_0x1f0331(0x160),_0x3ae021[_0x1f0331(0x187)]);}}async function autoCreateController(){const _0x463785=a1_0x37af3c;try{await poly['addNode'](new ControllerNode(poly,_0x463785(0x188),_0x463785(0x188),_0x463785(0x18c)));}catch(_0x39c08d){logger[_0x463785(0x15b)](_0x463785(0x190));}poly[_0x463785(0x171)](_0x463785(0x158),_0x463785(0x175),0x5);}function callAsync(_0x59259a){(async function(){const _0x34f693=a1_0x1d18;try{await _0x59259a;}catch(_0x25c0a7){logger[_0x34f693(0x15b)](_0x34f693(0x167),_0x25c0a7['message'],_0x25c0a7['stack']);}}());}function trapUncaughtExceptions(){const _0x5ea7d0=a1_0x37af3c;process['on'](_0x5ea7d0(0x15d),function(_0x494388){const _0xde4858=_0x5ea7d0;logger['error'](_0xde4858(0x15c)+_0x494388[_0xde4858(0x173)]);});}poly['start']();

ReferenceError: Cannot access 'logger' before initialization
    at process.<anonymous> (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db953c7dc_1/st-inventory.js:1:5642)
    at process.emit (node:events:513:28)
    at process._fatalException (node:internal/process/execution:167:25)

Node.js v18.7.0

11/2/2022, 08:31:47 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory starting polls
11/2/2022, 08:31:47 [pg3] info: Starting Node server Info timer 0
11/2/2022, 08:31:51 [pg3] info: [00:0d:b9:53:c7:dc_1] Retrieved oauth
11/2/2022, 08:32:19 [pg3] info: upload successful
11/2/2022, 08:32:19 [pg3] info: upload successful
11/2/2022, 08:32:19 [pg3] info: upload successful
11/2/2022, 08:32:19 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory
11/2/2022, 08:32:19 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory is valid
11/2/2022, 08:32:20 [pg3] info: checkLicense:: ST-Inventory Valid perpetual license found.
11/2/2022, 08:32:20 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory finished update check
11/2/2022, 08:32:20 [pg3] info: [ST-Inventory(1)] :: Starting Node server - Version 1.0.8
11/2/2022, 08:32:20 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory updating database (enabled, timestarted)
11/2/2022, 08:32:21 [pg3] info: startNs:: ST-Inventory starting polls
11/2/2022, 08:32:21 [pg3] info: Starting Node server Info timer 0
11/2/2022, 08:32:22 [pg3] error: MQTTS: ClientID: 00:0d:b9:53:c7:dc_1 is already connected. Disallowing multiple connections.
11/2/2022, 08:32:22 [pg3] error: MQTTS: clientError: 00:0d:b9:53:c7:dc_1 Auth Error


I also get these - not sure if it's related.


11/2/2022, 08:34:42 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs. <my IoP ID>
11/2/2022, 08:34:42 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs. <my IoP ID>
11/2/2022, 08:34:42 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs. <my IoP ID>
11/2/2022, 08:34:42 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs. <my IoP ID>
11/2/2022, 08:34:42 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs. <my IoP ID>
11/2/2022, 08:34:42 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs. <my IoP ID>



Have you tried adding the other items mentioned in the configuration as "Custom Configuration Parameters"? Since in the read me it says "User Provided" I wondered if the whole parameter has to be added.


I don't use this Node Server so can't help with the setup. And think @simplextech commented that they only get notifications from PMs, so perhaps send a PM to them referencing this topic.



Can you check if a copy of the node server is already running?   Based on the line in the log that says it's already connected, I suspect that you have a copy running so it won't allow you to start another.

Since you're expecting to run two copies, when the one installed on IoP is not running you should only have one active, if you have two, then you probably have a stuck/hung copy occupying slot one and can't start another copy

4 hours ago, bpwwer said:

Can you check if a copy of the node server is already running?   Based on the line in the log that says it's already connected, I suspect that you have a copy running so it won't allow you to start another.

Since you're expecting to run two copies, when the one installed on IoP is not running you should only have one active, if you have two, then you probably have a stuck/hung copy occupying slot one and can't start another copy

Ok, I think I may have found the problem. Or at least the one related to the recent log entries I posted. I think a while ago I removed a different NS in slot 1 for IoP. Then, when I encountered problems running ST-Inventory after the upgrade to PG3, I reinstalled it in slot 1 instead of slot 7, where it is for 994i. So I just uninstalled/installed the NS for IoP it in slot 7 to match the slot for 994i and it now works. 

But I don't think I have the complete story yet because, while I may have put the NS in a bad slot, I didn't just uninstall and reinstall the NS for no good reason. It was not working for some reason.

I'm trying to go back to older PG3 log entries to get the complete story but am struggling to SSH into Polisy. Part of the problem is that I don't do it often anymore (since upgrades need to be done in AC for IoP.

I can't login with the known/confirmed userid (admin) and password that I just re-typed into my PG3 "Profile" to be sure. Why isn't this working?



Also, I will make a feature request here: Don't let people install different NS' in same slot, like it appears I was able to do.

I may have more to come once I can go back to see how things looked before the upgrade...



The PG3 log in and the ssh login are completely different.

The ssh default is user=admin password=admin

58 minutes ago, johnnyt said:

Also, I will make a feature request here: Don't let people install different NS' in same slot, like it appears I was able to do.

I don't understand what you mean.  The only restriction when installing a node server is to use a slot that doesn't already have a node server installed.  If a slot has a node server installed in it, you can't install another node server to the same slot.

12 hours ago, bpwwer said:

The PG3 log in and the ssh login are completely different.

The ssh default is user=admin password=admin

I don't understand what you mean.  The only restriction when installing a node server is to use a slot that doesn't already have a node server installed.  If a slot has a node server installed in it, you can't install another node server to the same slot.

ok , got in using ssh (I thought I had changed the password) and will look at the historical logs (/var/polyglot/pg3/logs) later to see what was maybe already an error pre-upgrade vs post-upgrade. Maybe the errors I saw post upgrade were already happening pre upgrade. I will hopefully be better able to explain the problem.

I miss stated the feature request. what I wanted was to not be able to install ST-Inventory in slot 1 (which was free) when it was already installed in slot 7 as it resulted in the errors I reported here (and wasted a lot of time). That said, if this was/is just an issue with this NS and others could have multiple instances, this may be something for ST-Inventory to prevent, not PG3. 


Posted (edited)
On 11/3/2022 at 9:04 AM, johnnyt said:

ok , got in using ssh (I thought I had changed the password) and will look at the historical logs (/var/polyglot/pg3/logs) later to see what was maybe already an error pre-upgrade vs post-upgrade. Maybe the errors I saw post upgrade were already happening pre upgrade. I will hopefully be better able to explain the problem.

So I can't make heads or tails between before and after upgrade logs. There are so many log entries pre upgrade. My log files are all close to 60MB prior to upgrade. Since upgrade they're about 1-1.3MB. I think log level was "Debug", now it's "Info". 

There is a set of entries that I'd like to know what they mean.

11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>

I do have different  IP addresses as well as userid/passwd between 994i and IoP. Is that what causes those messages? Why six times? FWIW, I have 6 NS on 994i dashboard with only 5 running (not running ST-Inventory), and 3 NS on IoP Dashboard with only 1 running (ST-Inventory)

Edited by johnnyt
31 minutes ago, johnnyt said:

There is a set of entries that I'd like to know what they mean.

11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>
11/6/2022, 19:14:14 [pg3] info: ISY node server user configuration update required <my 994i ID> vs <myIoP ID>

They don't mean anything.  It's comparing the node server configuration it gets from the ISY with what it thinks it should be and reports differences it finds.  This comparison really only works if you have one ISY/IoP enabled, otherwise it gets a bit confused.


Ok, thanks @bpwwer

So the only remaining question I have is related to feature request regarding having been prevented from installing ST-Inventory in slot 1 when it was already in slot 7. Is this something the NS has to check for, or can/should PG3 provide that check for all?

Just to elaborate/illustrate. Attached is screenshot of 994i dashboard showing NS in slots 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, followed by the NS Store Install view for IoP, which has same NS as 994i in slots 4, 6, 7 so those are blocked. But not blocked are slots 1, 5, and 8 and I can install whatever I want there. For example I was able to install Envisalink DSC in slot 1 (which is in slot 5 for 994i). Unlike when I installed ST-Inventory in slot 1, this one did not generate any errors in log. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing but it isn't the behavior mentioned below:

On 11/2/2022 at 8:20 PM, bpwwer said:

The only restriction when installing a node server is to use a slot that doesn't already have a node server installed.  If a slot has a node server installed in it, you can't install another node server to the same slot.

I didn't go so far as to check what happens if I configure and try to use Envisalink NS with IoP but not sure testing this would be reliable as there may be conflict (some or all the time) logging into the panel since the 994i NS also needs to connect to only panel I have to test this with. (With ST Inventory I had two separate ISY instances to point to). 




1 hour ago, johnnyt said:

Ok, thanks @bpwwer

So the only remaining question I have is related to feature request regarding having been prevented from installing ST-Inventory in slot 1 when it was already in slot 7. Is this something the NS has to check for, or can/should PG3 provide that check for all?

There isn't any restriction on how many slots a node server can be installed in.  Whether or not multiple copies of the node can run on the Polisy is defined by the node server, not PG3.

Each ISY/IoP can have up to 100 node servers installed and again, there isn't any restrictions on duplicate node servers on different ISY/IoP devices.  If you have both an i994 ISY and IoP connected to PG3, you can as many as 200 node servers installed.

Node servers (or the hardware they talk to) may have restrictions on the number of connections they support but PG3 doesn't know or care about that.

I don't know about ST-Inventory specifically to know if it supports running multiple copies or not.

On 11/7/2022 at 12:57 PM, bpwwer said:

There isn't any restriction on how many slots a node server can be installed in.  Whether or not multiple copies of the node can run on the Polisy is defined by the node server, not PG3.


I don't know about ST-Inventory specifically to know if it supports running multiple copies or not.

So bottom like seems to be that the errors I had are ST-Inventory NS related, which means I posted in the right place. In fact there many unhandled errors in the NS log. See attached sample.

Now how does one get the NS Developer to chime in?


5 hours ago, johnnyt said:

Now how does one get the NS Developer to chime in?

Did you see my comment above? Send @simplextech a PM on the forums. They've commented elsewhere that they don't get forum alerts so PM is the only (best?) way to get their attention. 

Otherwise, perhaps open an issue on their github project. 


On 11/11/2022 at 11:03 AM, johnnyt said:

So bottom like seems to be that the errors I had are ST-Inventory NS related, which means I posted in the right place. In fact there many unhandled errors in the NS log. See attached sample.

Now how does one get the NS Developer to chime in?

ST-Inventory_10-31-2022_113836-AM.zip 1.04 kB · 0 downloads

There's no limit to the number of copies you can run.  No reason to run multiples but no limit.

Based on the error log something is broken with the xml2js module which parses the ISY data.  This could be a module problem or something broken with the node.js install on the polisy.  What's interesting is that you mentioned installing in one slot and it works but in another it does not work.  This is very odd as node.js is installed system wide but the node_modules are per node server so I think something is not being cleaned up completely when a node server is removed.


@bpwwer, is this something on your radar? Do you need any more info from me?

On 11/16/2022 at 11:05 PM, simplextech said:

Based on the error log something is broken with the xml2js module which parses the ISY data.  This could be a module problem or something broken with the node.js install on the polisy.  What's interesting is that you mentioned installing in one slot and it works but in another it does not work.  This is very odd as node.js is installed system wide but the node_modules are per node server so I think something is not being cleaned up completely when a node server is removed.


3 hours ago, johnnyt said:

@bpwwer, is this something on your radar? Do you need any more info from me?

Looking at the log I see that the node server seems to be having problems parsing the ISY error log.  So possibly something unexpected is showing up there.  However the node server is failing because:

2022-10-31 11:37:42 error: POLY: MQTT Error:  Connection refused: Identifier rejected

Which means that there is already a copy of the node server running and connected using that same slot and PG3 will only accept connections from one node server per slot.

I did recently find a bug where if you pressed restart while a restart was in progress it would cause PG3 to think the first restart failed (which would mark the node server as disconnected, but the node server would stay connected.  The second restart would try to start the node server again, but it gets rejected by PG3 because the first is still connected.  The message above is what you see when that happens.  A restart of PG3 should correct it.


I'm confused by this:

2 hours ago, bpwwer said:

Which means that there is already a copy of the node server running and connected using that same slot and PG3 will only accept connections from one node server per slot.

First, to be clear, I only have one instance of this NS actually running/connected but I do have two installations of it: one for ISY and one for IoP. Not only did I think this was okay because of this prior message:

On 11/7/2022 at 12:57 PM, bpwwer said:

Each ISY/IoP can have up to 100 node servers installed and again, there isn't any restrictions on duplicate node servers on different ISY/IoP devices.  If you have both an i994 ISY and IoP connected to PG3, you can as many as 200 node servers installed.

But also because I did have three node servers running fine for both ISY and IoP as same time, namely Airthings, WeatherFlow, and this one as long as I put them in the same slot (which they are now, but the slot issue was a problem with this NS and us what started this thread)


I'm now on PG3 3.1.14 and wasn't at that point when I reported this so probably the PG3 bug is no longer an issue if that's what was the issue.

Since I now know how to avoid the problem, I'll leave it to you and @simplextech to determine if there are any fixes needed (to whatever) to avoid problems in future. I'm not going to be using this NS much once I move to IoP (just waiting for new dongle and zwave migration capability). I'm only using it periodically (I start then stop it) to check the number of programs I have on ISY because I'm close to the maximum allowed. 

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