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Climacell's "Node server Online" value not accurate?

Go to solution Solved by bpwwer,

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I'm running version 2.0.0 of the Climacell node server on my Polisy and trying to use the 'Node server Online' field to trigger some notifications, but it seems to retain the value of TRUE even after the node server is stopped / Disconnected.  I would like this field to be accurate regardless of how the node server dropped out, but to test this field, I issued a STOP through Polyglot admin interface.  And the log file shows this was an orderly disconnect.  Here are the lines from the log file:

2022-11-08 12:22:02,060 Command    udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:_handleInput: Received stop from Polyglot... Shutting Down.
2022-11-08 12:22:02,061 Command    udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:stop: Disconnecting from MQTT... localhost:1888
2022-11-08 12:22:02,063 Command    udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:_disconnect: MQTT Graceful disconnection.

What could/should I be doing differently.  I'm successfully using similar online status fields available in other node servers such as the ELK and Bond node servers.  Any help appreciated.

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it shows up in the store but I posted on your PG3 support thread

Climacell is updated.  PG3 used to tell me when there is an update.  Now it is not.  Going to leave it for the day on old version in case you want me to test something later.  But that blue box saying upgrade is not there.  I am clearly on 2.0 and 2.01 is out.

Is that a bug in the new Pg3 .14 update?

I did try another browser to make sure it was not cache

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I also see it in the store, but a Restart fails to find/install the new version.  I don't know if this is relevant, but a message in the log file states " No node server version specified. Using deprecated server.json version"


Larger section of Log file:

2022-11-10 10:29:34,970 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     polylogger:set_basic_config: set_basic_config: enable=True level=30
2022-11-10 10:29:37,233 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.0.49 Starting...
2022-11-10 10:29:37,248 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:__init__: Initialization received from Polyglot V3 3.1.14  [ISY: 5.4.4, Slot: 4]
2022-11-10 10:29:37,250 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:__init__: Connect: Network Interface: {'addr':, 'netmask': '', 'broadcast': ''}
2022-11-10 10:29:37,252 Interface  udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:_startMqtt: Connecting to MQTT... localhost:1888
2022-11-10 10:29:37,257 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING  interface:start: No node server version specified. Using deprecated server.json version
2022-11-10 10:29:37,259 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING  interface:db_getNodeDrivers: controller not found in database.
2022-11-10 10:29:37,261 MainThread udi_interface.interface WARNING  interface:send: MQTT Send waiting on connection :: {'config': {'version': '2.0.0'}}
2022-11-10 10:29:37,303 MQTT       udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:_connect: MQTT Connected with result code 0 (Success)
2022-11-10 10:29:37,305 MQTT       udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:_connect: MQTT Subscribing to topic: udi/pg3/ns/clients/00:0d:b9:5e:e2:8c_4 -  MID: 1 Result: 0
2022-11-10 10:29:37,310 MQTT       udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:_subscribe: MQTT Subscribed Succesfully for Message ID: 1 - QoS: (0,)
2022-11-10 10:29:40,275 MainThread udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:addNode: Adding node Climacell Weather(controller) [None]
2022-11-10 10:29:40,398 Thread-1   udi_interface      ERROR    climacell:parameterHandler: ***** Entered parameter handler....
2022-11-10 10:29:40,402 Thread-1   udi_interface.custom INFO     custom:_save: Sending data notices to Polyglot.
2022-11-10 10:29:40,501 MQTT       udi_interface.interface INFO     interface:_message: Successfully set key = notices
2022-11-10 10:29:41,294 Thread-3   udi_interface      INFO     climacell:start: Starting node server

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