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ISY unable to control ON/OFF on HS nodes, getting "HS: Data - error, not authorized"


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I'm trying out NodeLInk, and this looks great! Nicely done!

However, I appear to be having issues authenticating to HomeSeer, even though I have HomeSeer configured as follows:

  • No Password Required for Local (same subnet) Login
  • Enable Control with JSON (Required for Alexa/Google Home/IFTTT/Etc.)
  • Enable Control using ASCII Commands
  • NodeLink was setup sudo from user "pi," which is configured as an admin in HomeSeer. 
  • NodeLink and HomeSeer are both currently runnign on the same Raspberry Pi RP3.

I have tried using both a setup of NodeLink on the same Raspberry Pi (RP3) as HomeSeer, as well as NodeLink running separately on a Windows host, both with the same results, which is that I am unable to control On/Off commands from the ISY that are HS nodes created via NodeLink.

I would love to get this working, so any suggestions of what to tweak would be highly appreciated!

I believe the applicable sections of the log are:

2022-11-11 03:53:59 - HS: Data - error, no user or bad pass


2022-11-11 03:54:38 - Web Request: /isylink/nodes/n001_hs1_v678/cmd/ON
2022-11-11 03:54:38 - HS: Data - error, not authorized

This looks to me like an obvious authorization issue, but I'm stumped as to where I've gone wrong. I don't see anywhere in NodeLink to set a username and password for HomeSeer, and NodeLInk is successfully creating HS nodes in the ISY. So it seems to be in the path of the WebRequest from the ISY -> NodeLink -> Homeseer when I try to turn an HS device on or off from an ISY node.

The following is my error log from NodeLink currently configured on the same RP3 as Homeseer. Thanks in advance!

HS4 NodeLink auth topic 01.txt

Edited by TFay
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On 11/11/2022 at 6:39 AM, io_guy said:

NodeLink connects to Homeseer using the ASCII interface.  It expects default credentials (don't know what these are now, I set this up when HS4 was beta).  The login/pass used to be default/default.

Using default/default solved the authentication error, but I also didn't reed your device description carefully, which is that your HS support is for Zwave devices.

So I suspect that may be the reason that I still can't turn on and off devices in HomeSeer, is because I am trying to control a combination of HS virtual devices (which can be used to trigger other devices), and Tuya devices. My Zwave transmitter for my RP3-based HS hasn't arrived yet. 

I sent you a PayPal donation, as I definitely plan to integrate your CAI WebControl device control, which is working great. 

By way of suggestions, if there was a way to configure Node Link to use a different set of credentials for HomeSeer other than default/default? That would be helpful from a security standpoint.

Another suggestion would be that if the Node Server HS device could support could HomeSeer Virtual Devices, which can use Features -> Linked Devices to control other HD devices. Maybe this could be a way to expand control of other plugin-based devices without having to support them directly? 

Thanks again, great stuff!

Edited by TFay
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I can definitely add support for alternate login credentials.   

Unfortunately I don't run HS or an ISY anymore so it'll be more difficult to add other HS devices.  I'm away for work most weekdays now but I'll send some info this weekend on how to get responses from HS' ASCII interface.  Hopefully your devices won't be too hard to add.  

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20 hours ago, io_guy said:

I can definitely add support for alternate login credentials.   

Unfortunately I don't run HS or an ISY anymore so it'll be more difficult to add other HS devices.  I'm away for work most weekdays now but I'll send some info this weekend on how to get responses from HS' ASCII interface.  Hopefully your devices won't be too hard to add.  

Excellent! Much appreciated!


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So we need to start with a list of your devices.

In NodeLink can you enable debug logging on the main page and on the HS device page (in NodeLink).  After that, when you restart NodeLink it will print out the full list of devices returned on the ASCII interface.

From there I can start deciphering what is what.

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On 11/19/2022 at 8:09 AM, io_guy said:

So we need to start with a list of your devices.

In NodeLink can you enable debug logging on the main page and on the HS device page (in NodeLink).  After that, when you restart NodeLink it will print out the full list of devices returned on the ASCII interface.

From there I can start deciphering what is what.

My apologies, I didn't see your response until this morning. I had check the forum a few times this weekend for a notice you'd responded, and didn't see one, but I should have checked the thread itself, as I didn't have the "follow topic" slider set. 😕

I have disabled all but the set of plugins in HomeSeer that I believe are required for testing, and also removed the CAI WebControl device from NodeLink to reduce extraneous log entries.


I have configured the following devices in HomeSeer H4, for which NodeLink has created corresponding nodes in the ISY-994i.

  • "SS01 - Tuya Smart Socket"
    • n001_hs1_v678
    • Smart Socket devices managed via Tuya HS4 plugin
    • Works properly (on/off) from HomeSeer HS4 interface
    • Does not yet respond to control from ISY via NodeLink
    • Does not yet display on/off status properly in ISY (always shows off)
  • "Virtual Device 01"
    • n001_hs1_v690
    • HS4 native virtual device created for testing purposes
    • Does not yet respond to control from ISY via NodeLink
    • Does not yet display on/off status properly in ISY (always shows off)
  • "Sample Plugin Linked to SS01"
    • n001_hs1_v696
    • HS4 Sample Plugin-based switch
    • Linked to "SS01 - Tuya Smart Socket"
      • E.g. when "Sample Plugin..." is triggered on, it then triggers "SS01..." on as a linked device.
    • Properly controls SS01 on/off from HS4 interface
    • Does not yet respond to control from ISY via NodeLink
    • Does not yet display on/off status properly in ISY (always shows off)
  • "Test Thermostat" 
    • n001_hs1_v656
    • HS4 native virtual thermostat device created for testing purposes
    • Does not yet respond to control from ISY via NodeLink
    • Does not yet display on/off status properly in ISY (always shows off)


I have attached the full, unedited logs of all log entries cited below as .txt files.

As the NodeLink startup includes a lot of detail, I have included only what I believe to be the relevant sections of the NodeLink startup log (NodeLink Log 01) here within the text of this post. The remaining entries after that are unedited.

With debug set for HomeSeer in NodeLink and displayed on the Main page, attached are the log results from a fresh restart of NodeLink. 

--->----------NodeLink Log 01 ------------->

[[[[[[[[[START OF BOOT LOG REMOVED TO REDUCE SPACE - See attachment "NodeLink-HS4 - NodeLink Log 01.txt" for full log entry for this section]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

    <!-- === Homeseer ============================================================  -->
    <nodeDef id="Homeseer" nls="108HS" >
            <st id="ST" editor="I_HEARTBEAT" />
                <cmd id="QUERY" />
    <nodeDef id="hsDoorLock" nls="111DL" >
            <st id="ST" editor="I_DOOR" />
            <st id="GV1" editor="I_BATTERY" />
            <st id="GV2" editor="I_DSC_USER" />
            <st id="GV3" editor="I_DOOR_INFO" />
                <cmd id="QUERY" />
                <cmd id="LOCK" />
                <cmd id="UNLOCK" />
    <nodeDef id="hsLeakSensor" nls="169LS" >
            <st id="ST" editor="I_LEAK_SENSOR" />
            <st id="GV1" editor="I_BATTERY" />
            <st id="GV2" editor="I_TEMP_1" />
                <cmd id="QUERY" />
    <nodeDef id="hsSwitch" nls="121SW" >
            <st id="ST" editor="I_SWITCH" />
                <cmd id="QUERY" />
                <cmd id="ON" />
                <cmd id="OFF" />
    <nodeDef id="hsDimmer" nls="121D" >
            <st id="ST" editor="I_DIMMER" />
                <cmd id="VAL">
                    <p id="" editor="I_DIMMER" init="ST" />
                <cmd id="QUERY" />
                <cmd id="ON" />
                <cmd id="OFF" />
    <nodeDef id="hsVirtual" nls="121V" >
            <st id="ST" editor="I_VIRTUAL" />
                <cmd id="QUERY" />
                <cmd id="ON" />
                <cmd id="OFF" />
    <nodeDef id="hsPlug" nls="121PG" >
            <st id="ST" editor="I_SWITCH" />
            <st id="GV1" editor="I_GEM_V" />
            <st id="GV2" editor="I_GEM_A" />
            <st id="GV3" editor="I_GEM_W" />
            <st id="GV4" editor="I_GEM_WH" />
                <cmd id="QUERY" />
                <cmd id="ON" />
                <cmd id="OFF" />

[[[[[[[[[REMOVED TO SACE SPACE - See attachment "NodeLink-HS4 - NodeLink Log 01.txt" for full log entry for this section]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

ND-Homeseer-NAME = Homeseer Controller
ND-Homeseer-ICON = GenericCtl
ND-hsDoorLock-NAME = Door Lock
ND-hsDoorLock-ICON = DoorLock
ST-111DL-GV1-NAME = Battery
ST-111DL-GV2-NAME = User
ST-111DL-GV3-NAME = Action
ND-hsSwitch-NAME = Switch
ND-hsSwitch-ICON = LampAndSwitch
ND-hsDimmer-NAME = Dimmer
ND-hsDimmer-ICON = LampAndSwitch
CMD-121D-VAL-NAME = Value
ND-hsVirtual-NAME = Virtual
ND-hsVirtual-ICON = Input
ND-hsLeakSensor-NAME = Leak Sensor
ND-hsLeakSensor-ICON = Irrigation
ST-169LS-GV1-NAME = Battery
ST-169LS-GV2-NAME = Temperature
ND-hsPlug-NAME = Wall Plug Switch
ND-hsPlug-ICON = LampAndSwitch
ST-121PG-GV1-NAME = Volts
ST-121PG-GV2-NAME = Amps
ST-121PG-GV3-NAME = Watts

ND-InternetWeather-NAME = Internet Current Weather
ND-InternetWeather-ICON = Weather
ND-InternetWeatherForecast-NAME = Internet Weather Forecast
ND-InternetWeatherForecast-ICON = Weather
2022-11-21 11:03:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 1)
2022-11-21 11:03:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1_v690-ST added to queue (Val: 0.0, QS: 2)
2022-11-21 11:03:19 - HS: Connected - Credentials Sent [hs1]
2022-11-21 11:03:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1_v656-ST added to queue (Val: 0.0, QS: 3)
2022-11-21 11:03:19 - HS: Data - ok
2022-11-21 11:03:19 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:03:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1_v678-ST added to queue (Val: 0.0, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:03:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1_v696-ST added to queue (Val: 0.0, QS: 5)
2022-11-21 11:03:19 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hs1/report/status/ST/1/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:20 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hs1_v690/report/status/ST/0.0/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:20 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hs1_v656/report/status/ST/0.0/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:20 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hs1_v678/report/status/ST/0.0/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:20 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hs1_v696/report/status/ST/0.0/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:21 - Web Request: /

<------------NodeLink Log 01 ----------<---




The corresponding log entry from HomeSeer is:

--->---------HS4 Log 01------------->

11/21/2022 11:03:19 AM     HomeSeer     Info     ASCII connection authorization OK from IP: for user default
<------------HS4 Log 01----------<---





The Next set of log entries to appear in NodeLink are:

--->----------NodeLink Log 02 ------------->

2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV1 added to queue (Val: 11, QS: 1)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 added to queue (Val: 3, QS: 2)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 added to queue (Val: 467223, QS: 3)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV4 added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV5 added to queue (Val: 47, QS: 5)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV6 added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV7 added to queue (Val: 11, QS: 7)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV1/11/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV8 added to queue (Val: 21, QS: 7)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV9 added to queue (Val: 2022, QS: 8)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV10 added to queue (Val: 325, QS: 9)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV11 added to queue (Val: 3, QS: 10)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV12 added to queue (Val: 0, QS: 11)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1_sun-GV1 added to queue (Val: 170, QS: 12)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1_sun-GV2 added to queue (Val: 35, QS: 13)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Send: Variable data1_sun-GV3 added to queue (Val: 55, QS: 14)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV2/3/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467223/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV4/1/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV5/47/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:24 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV6/1/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:25 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV7/11/47)
2022-11-21 11:03:25 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV8/21/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:25 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV9/2022/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:25 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV10/325/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:25 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV11/3/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:25 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV12/0/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:25 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/170/14)
2022-11-21 11:03:25 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV2/35/14)
2022-11-21 11:03:25 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV3/55/14)
2022-11-21 11:03:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 added to queue (Val: 467224, QS: 1)
2022-11-21 11:03:34 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467224/25)
2022-11-21 11:03:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST added to queue (Val: -1, QS: 1)
2022-11-21 11:03:49 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hs1/report/status/ST/-1/25)
2022-11-21 11:04:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 added to queue (Val: 4, QS: 1)
2022-11-21 11:04:04 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV2/4/25)
2022-11-21 11:04:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 1)
2022-11-21 11:04:19 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hs1/report/status/ST/1/25)
2022-11-21 11:04:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 added to queue (Val: 467225, QS: 1)
2022-11-21 11:04:34 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467225/25)
2022-11-21 11:04:49 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:05:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 added to queue (Val: 5, QS: 1)
2022-11-21 11:05:04 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV2/5/25)
2022-11-21 11:05:14 - ISY Send: Variable data1_sun-GV1 added to queue (Val: 171, QS: 1)
2022-11-21 11:05:14 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/171/14)
2022-11-21 11:05:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST added to queue (Val: -1, QS: 2)
2022-11-21 11:05:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 added to queue (Val: 467226, QS: 3)
2022-11-21 11:05:44 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/171/14)
2022-11-21 11:05:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: 1, QS: 3)
2022-11-21 11:06:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 added to queue (Val: 6, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:06:14 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/171/14)
2022-11-21 11:06:19 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:06:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467227, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:06:44 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/171/14)
2022-11-21 11:06:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: -1, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:07:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 7, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:07:14 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/171/14)
2022-11-21 11:07:15 - Web Request: /

2022-11-21 11:07:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: 1, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:07:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467228, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:07:45 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/171/14)
2022-11-21 11:07:49 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:08:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 8, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:08:15 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/171/14)
2022-11-21 11:08:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: -1, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:08:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467229, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:08:44 - ISY Send: Variable data1_sun-GV1 replaced in queue (Val: 172, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:08:45 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/172/14)
2022-11-21 11:08:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: 1, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:09:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 9, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:09:15 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/172/14)
2022-11-21 11:09:19 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:09:29 - ISY Send: Variable data1_sun-GV2 added to queue (Val: 36, QS: 5)
2022-11-21 11:09:29 - ISY Send: Variable data1_sun-GV3 added to queue (Val: 54, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:09:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467230, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:09:46 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/172/14)
2022-11-21 11:09:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: -1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:10:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 10, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:10:16 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/172/14)
2022-11-21 11:10:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: 1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:10:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467231, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:10:47 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/172/14)
2022-11-21 11:10:49 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:11:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 11, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:11:17 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/172/14)
2022-11-21 11:11:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: -1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:11:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467232, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:11:48 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/172/14)
2022-11-21 11:11:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: 1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:12:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 12, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:12:14 - ISY Send: Variable data1_sun-GV1 replaced in queue (Val: 173, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:12:19 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/173/14)
2022-11-21 11:12:19 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:12:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467233, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:12:49 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/173/14)
2022-11-21 11:12:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: -1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:13:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 13, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:13:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: 1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:13:19 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/173/14)
2022-11-21 11:13:27 - Web Request: /

<------------NodeLink Log 02 ----------<---



When I then try to turn on the HS device "SS01 - Tuya Smart Socket" using the Universal Devices Administrative Console, the following log entries are generated:

--->----------NodeLink Log 03 ------------->

2022-11-21 11:13:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467234, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:13:49 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:13:50 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1_sun/report/status/GV1/173/14)
2022-11-21 11:13:50 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_hs1/report/status/ST/1/25)
2022-11-21 11:14:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 14, QS: 5)
2022-11-21 11:14:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: -1, QS: 5)
2022-11-21 11:14:20 - ISY Receive: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><RestResponse succeeded="true"><status>200</status><reason code="0" /></RestResponse> (ns/1/nodes/n001_hs1/report/status/ST/-1/25)
2022-11-21 11:14:20 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467234/25)
2022-11-21 11:14:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467235, QS: 4)
2022-11-21 11:14:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST added to queue (Val: 1, QS: 5)
2022-11-21 11:14:50 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467235/25)
2022-11-21 11:15:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 15, QS: 5)
2022-11-21 11:15:19 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:15:20 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467235/25)
2022-11-21 11:15:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467236, QS: 5)
2022-11-21 11:15:44 - ISY Send: Variable data1_sun-GV1 added to queue (Val: 174, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:15:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: -1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:15:50 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467236/25)
2022-11-21 11:15:57 - Web Request: /isylink/nodes/n001_hs1_v678/cmd/ON
2022-11-21 11:16:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 16, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:16:06 - Web Request: /

2022-11-21 11:16:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: 1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:16:20 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467236/25)
2022-11-21 11:16:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467237, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:16:49 - HS: Data -
2022-11-21 11:16:51 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467237/25)
2022-11-21 11:17:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 17, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:17:19 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: -1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:17:21 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467237/25)
2022-11-21 11:17:34 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV3 replaced in queue (Val: 467238, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:17:49 - ISY Send: Variable hs1-ST replaced in queue (Val: 1, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:17:51 - ISY Receive:  (ns/1/nodes/n001_data1/report/status/GV3/467238/25)
2022-11-21 11:18:04 - ISY Send: Variable data1-GV2 replaced in queue (Val: 18, QS: 6)
2022-11-21 11:18:10 - Web Request: /

<------------NodeLink Log 03 ----------<---

There is no corresponding log entry generated in HomeSeer.


Thoughts? Next steps? 

NodeLink-HS4 - NodeLink Log 01.txt NodeLink-HS4 - HS4 Log 01.txt NodeLink-HS4 - NodeLink Log 02.txt NodeLink-HS4 - NodeLink Log 03.txt

Edited by TFay
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, very sorry about the delay.  Work has been rediculous. 

I looked into the code and it's my fault, I don't add enough logging.   

I'm on vacation next week and will cut a new version to add the additional logging and ability to change the login credentials.  

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3 hours ago, io_guy said:

Ok, very sorry about the delay.  Work has been rediculous. 

I looked into the code and it's my fault, I don't add enough logging.   

I'm on vacation next week and will cut a new version to add the additional logging and ability to change the login credentials.  

Excellent! Thanks so much!

I totally get the end of year craziness. No worries!


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, I have a test version that can be downloaded here.

This version will have the necessary debug logging (once you set "Debug" level under the Homeseer tab).  You can also set the logging level under "system Config" to "Notice", I don't need all the ISY details.


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On 12/30/2022 at 3:22 PM, io_guy said:

OK, I have a test version that can be downloaded here.

This version will have the necessary debug logging (once you set "Debug" level under the Homeseer tab).  You can also set the logging level under "system Config" to "Notice", I don't need all the ISY details.


Excellent!! I’ll upgrade and report back with the appropriate logging. 

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