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Need to reboot ISY 2x per week


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Check your ISY error log for clues to what’s happening.   Is this a 994 or IoP running on Polisy?   Error log is on the tools menu in the admin console.

what version is the ISY running?

there’s no direct way to schedule a restart for the ISY, but that would be a bandaid rather than the solution to the problem.

for whatever it’s worth, I don’t have this problem. I’ve gone 6 months without have to reboot the ISY.   

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I just checked the error log.  Wow, there's a lot going on.  I'm running 994 v5.3.4.

The error log is below, not sure how to even begin to figure this out.

Mon 2022/11/14 12:56:22 AM    System    -100    [DHCP] state=RENEW    
Mon 2022/11/14 03:00:37 AM    System    -5012    0    
Mon 2022/11/14 03:00:45 AM    System    -170001    UDQ: Queue(s) Full, message ignored    
Mon 2022/11/14 03:00:42 AM    System    -140000    sub.isy.io    
Mon 2022/11/14 03:00:42 AM    System    -5013    0    
Mon 2022/11/14 03:00:52 AM    System    -5012    35    
Mon 2022/11/14 03:01:10 AM    System    -140000    my.isy.io    
Mon 2022/11/14 03:01:45 AM    System    -140000    my.isy.io    
Mon 2022/11/14 03:02:26 AM    System    -100    No network connection    
Mon 2022/11/14 03:03:06 AM    System    -170001    [Network] Established    
Mon 2022/11/14 10:25:44 AM    System    -5012    36    
Mon 2022/11/14 11:01:04 AM    System    -5012    37    
Mon 2022/11/14 11:41:58 AM    System    -100    [DHCP] state=RENEW    
Mon 2022/11/14 02:13:28 PM    System    -170001    [UDSockets] PSub:42 error:6    
Mon 2022/11/14 02:13:32 PM    System    -5012    0    
Mon 2022/11/14 10:41:41 PM    System    -100    [DHCP] state=RENEW    
Tue 2022/11/15 09:11:40 AM    System    -100    [DHCP] state=RENEW    
Tue 2022/11/15 03:18:55 PM    System    -5012    0    
Tue 2022/11/15 03:19:01 PM    System    -5013    0    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:57:46 PM    System    -5    Start    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:57:48 PM    System    -110022    /CONF/INSTENG.OPT    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:57:48 PM    System    -110012    /CONF/INSTENG.OPT    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:57:53 PM    System    -110022    /DEF/F6/I1/NLS/EN_US.TXT    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:57:53 PM    System    -110022    /CONF/UXT.BIN    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:57:53 PM    System    -110012    /CONF/UXT.BIN    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:57:56 PM    System    -7153    ID 0052 :err=0, tag='/node', num=28, nest=5, of    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:58:02 PM    System    -170001    [Network] Established    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:59:07 PM    System    -170001    UDQ: Queue(s) Full, message ignored    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:59:07 PM    System    -170001    UDQ:Queue Full: MP : Task[8] SOCKZW SOCK-PROC pty=25    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:59:17 PM    System    -170001    UDQ: Queue(s) Full, message ignored    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:59:40 PM    System    -170001    UDQ:Queue Full: MP : Task[8] SOCKZW SOCK-PROC pty=25    
Tue 2022/11/15 05:00:04 PM    System    -170001    UDQ: Queue(s) Full, message ignored    
Tue 2022/11/15 05:00:07 PM    System    -170001    UDQ:Queue Full: MP : Task[8] SOCKZW SOCK-PROC pty=25    
Tue 2022/11/15 05:00:15 PM    System    -170001    UDQ: Queue(s) Full, message ignored    
Tue 2022/11/15 04:59:36 PM    System    -5011    uuid:0    


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This is a reboot:  Tue 2022/11/15 04:57:46 PM    System    -5    Start    

did you manually do that or did randomly occur?  

Unfortunately it's not uncommon to see a bunch of nasty errors like UDQ: Queue Full in the minutes after a restart.

The rather cryptic but sometimes useful error code listing can be found here.

The concerning error that stands off the page to me is:

Mon 2022/11/14 03:00:45 AM    System    -170001    UDQ: Queue(s) Full, message ignored 

which is not following in the minutes after a restart.  that like means that your ISY is too busy doing something it shouldn't be doing.  Possibly a run away program.  You might find this via the program summary tab, sorting by activity column.  We aren't interested in "Idle"   Is there anything "running" that's probably not sitting in a "wait"?  if so, those would be a good place to start. 

Do you have any problems with your internet connection?  is it stable and "always on' or does it cut out sometimes?

In general, that might be too small of a snipet of the Error log to check.   You might also send the full error log to Michel support@universal-devices.com for his comments.


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