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Polling Error in Log


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Please advise on this error ...

Current Status: Connected
Current Version: 0.1.15 [Production]

2022-11-18 15:49:43,940 Thread-26 udi_interface ERROR TeslaInfo:pollSystemData: Exception PollSystemData: 'tesla_info' object has no attribute 'DSsolarMeter'
2022-11-18 15:49:43,941 Thread-26 udi_interface ERROR TeslaInfo:pollSystemData: problems extracting data from tesla power wall
2022-11-18 15:49:43,942 Thread-26 udi_interface ERROR TeslaPWController:longPoll: Problem polling data from Tesla system
Edited by chuckl
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Thanks for your reply!  I did verify that I entered the correct credentials in the NS config and was logged in shortly after the two 'DSsolarMeterentries were noted in the 0800 hour yesterday as the NS showed "connected" status and was displaying live data.  I verified this by going to a separate browser window successfully gaining entry by entering the same  credentials.

The error persisted to the 1500 hour when I initially wrote this post.  After your response, I repeated the PW POPO procedure multiple times during the first five minutes of a Node Server restart.  The 3rd try seems to have resolved it.  No more error. 

Again, thank you!

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I did notice a network error in the log as well

2022-11-19 07:13:48,998 Thread-1259 udi_interface      ERROR    TeslaInfo:pollSystemData: Exception PollSystemData: Powerwall is unreachable: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/meters/aggregates (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x8031acee0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 50] Network is down'))

i'll try to see if I can find a way to reconnect if this happens

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