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Cannot read properties of undefined


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While trialing this Node Server on my Polisy, I'm also getting a similar error in the Real-time ST-Inventory log file:

Current Status: Connected
Current Version: 1.0.8 [Production]
Time Started: Nov 19, 2022, 11:53:50 AM

2022-11-19 12:33:59 error: POLY: getInv() Error:

2022-11-19 12:34:11 error: NS: Parsing Error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'includes') at _0x435040.processNetworkResources (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9594260_3/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:1:5971) at _0x435040.onDiscover (/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9594260_3/Nodes/ControllerNode.js:1:3118)

Around that time, the Real-time Polyglot log file has:

11/19/2022, 12:32:52 [pg3] info: EXPIRE CHECK: ST-Inventory subscription expires in 6 days

11/19/2022, 12:33:29 [pg3] info: [00:0d:b9:59:42:60_2] controller reporting command DOF

11/19/2022, 12:33:30 [pg3] info: [00:0d:b9:59:42:60_4] controller reporting command DOF

11/19/2022, 12:33:35 [pg3] error: No code in error response 11/19/2022, 12:33:35 [pg3] error: ISY Response: [Try: 1] [00:0d:b9:59:42:60] :: [404 - OK] :: 5.679907ms -

11/19/2022, 12:33:53 [pg3] info: set to expire on 2022-11-26T19:52:26.000Z 11/19/2022, 12:33:53 [pg3] info: EXPIRE CHECK: ST-Inventory subscription expires in 6 days

Edited by chuckl
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