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Wait Command malfunction


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I am using a 2420M to detect motion and a LampLinc Dual-Band 2457D2. My ISY is ver 2.7.12. This scene worked before but hasn't in the last few weeks. My setup is new so I have been adding a lot of componets to the network over the last weeks.


My program:

IF Sunset + 20 to 11:00pm

AND Driveway Sensor is On

THEN Garage Lights 90%, Front Porch Light 70%, Wait 10 Minutes, Garage Lights 50%, Front Porch Off


With WAIT in use, it is as if the program stops with the Wait command. If I remove the WAIT the program continues to completion.


A few oddities... I am unable to get the ISY to fully recognize the Dual Band device. States it is unsupported 1.14.


Any advice?

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Hi bkpky,


1. Wait is interrupted when the condition turns to false. So, while waiting and if the conditions is turned to false, the statements following wait will not run

2. Please do be kind enough to use the correct URL for 2.7.12:






Any of the above URLs should detect your dual band lamplinc.


With kind regards,


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