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ZMatter is shipping! How to install and what is next...


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Z-Wave support and ZMatter install instructions can be found in the UDI Wiki here: 


Starting December 9th (hopefully sooner) additional information will be made available regarding Polisy updates (Polyglot and ISY on Polisy) to make the ZMatter board functional. Migration steps will also be made available during this time. 


With the release of the ZMatter card there will be a lot of questions and processes to review. Please take a moment to read ALL prior posts before starting a new thread or tagging onto an existing thread.

  • If a thread has been "solved" make sure you read the solution.
  • If it does not apply to/resolve your situation then START A NEW THREAD.

It is easier to monitor issues in the forums when there are new (short) threads. We will review and merge threads if needed. It is often more difficult to read through multiple pages looking for a difference that might fix your issue than having a short thread that is already solved.

All threads leading up to now have been locked. Feel free to reference any locked post by linking to it in your new thread. 

Thank you and enjoy!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As updated in the alert at the top of the forums, here is the latest information regarding the ZMatter firmware update and migration process:


Just a quick status update on our progress with ZMatter firmware: as much as we wanted to release the updated firmware today, unfortunately we uncovered a bug in SiLab’s Z-Wave firmware which corrupts the dongle while reading/writing to the Non Volatile memory (needed for migration). We have notified SiLabs of this catastrophic bug, and waiting for their response.

In the meantime, we spent the last week working on an alternative approach that uses ISY information to reconstruct the Z-Wave network rather than relying on the Z-Wave network itself. Although we have made great progress, alas routing information and optimizations are only available from the dongle. As such, we’re currently investigating whether or not it’s possible to automate routing optimization without forcing you to update the neighbors of all your devices, which could be quite intrusive – especially in the case of battery operated devices.

In addition, we also uncovered another very serious bug in OTA update which, in some cases, corrupts the end device. Although we do not yet know the root cause, it seems that the same parts of the NV memory are being overwritten as those we are experiencing during migration. We are trying to get to the root cause.

All this said, we are going to spend the weekend and Monday to finalize migration/routing, with or without which we’ll release a version on Tuesday the 13th. This way, those who do not need migration can start playing and enjoying ZMatter while we fix migration or SiLabs comes up with an updated firmware.

Sincere apologies.


With Kind regards,

  UD Sales


More info to follow as available.

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