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IFTTT set up

Go to solution Solved by tmorse305,

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Just installed IFTTT and setting things up, getting this error:

 Not Found: https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/Ewelink/with/key/https://maker.ifttt.com/use/API_KEY


every variable is named Ewelink

Applet, Event Name in IFTTT

Node Address , Node Name  and Off Event Name  in Polyglot ,

What am I doing wrong?

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Do you have the API key configured correctly?  It looks odd in the error message above.

From Jim's instructions:


Enter your API Key for Webhooks by going to Maker Webhooks then click on Settings. This shows a line at the bottom like https://maker.ifttt.com/use/xxxxxx the xxxxxx is your API Key. Copy and paste just that part to the API Key.

It looks like you included the https://maker.ifttt.com/use part.  Just enter the xxxxxx part. 

A typical key looks something like this: duC-0KVspL2ctf2jpgPEs1

Edited by tmorse305
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