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Radio Interference


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Hi KenUD,


ISY does not automatically generate traffic! ISY's traffic can be categorized into two sections:

1. Change of state which is multi casted by devices back to the PLM

2. Commands sent from ISY to devices either through programs or direct load control


In short, there's nothing to disable!


With kind regards,


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Is the noise always present or only during actual Insteon control?


You maybe hearing the noise of the digital electronics running in the ISY99i or PLM.


AM has a hard time with any digital noise. I can walk around my home with an AM radio. Get near many digital devices and light dimmers. The noise is very present. My router makes all kinds of AM radio noise.


I also found my MicroBrite CCFL bulbs emit an RF signal right smack in the middle between the X10 120 KHz and the Insteon 131.65 KHz. Not on the power line so it doesn't effect the control signals but messed up my XTBM tester.


You may want to try moving the receiver to different places or if the noise is sneaking up the power line. A filter on the radios power cord may help. Preferably one made to play nice with X10/Insteon power line signals. Like a FilterLinc or maybe an X10Pro XPPF.

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Regarding the noise it is present thoughout the house. I can see the Insteon traffic by looking at the light on a Control Linc. It looks like something is ccontinually polling the network. Therefore, when you listen to AM 790 you hear a heartbeat. Any thoughts on what could be generating the Insteon traffic?

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If you look in the ISY Log does it show anything?


Maybe in Diagnostics you could use the Event Viewer in level 3 and see what is happening.


Some outside noise can also make the LEDs blink and look like an X10 or Insteon message.

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