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Can't get KPL On / Off Scene Status but A - D works fine


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I'm stumped re: the status of scenes based on the On / Off button on a KPL, and wondered if someone could set me straight. Example: I have a KPL in our master bedroom that uses buttons A - D to control four different Switchlincs (one button for each). The On / Off button on the KPL turns all these devices on or off, and the devices themselves all work fine (i.e., the lights come on / off). I have each of these five scenes set up in the ISY and when I turn on any of buttons A - D, I see both the state of the device change AND the state of the scene using the web interface and in Homeseer. But when I use the on / off button on the KPL, I can see the status of each device change but the status of the "all lights" scene does nothing. Is there something special about the KPL on / off switch that I've missed?

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