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First program having major issues

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So a little background. I have used isy for about 7 years with no issues. But all I have added is outlets and some fan controls.

After we had a leak my wife says cant you use that "ISY" thing to do something if a toilet overflows again?

So I buy 5 Insteon leak sensors and a couple of Insteon sirens. So the last few days I have been trying to at least get one of the sensors up and running ( the sirens is for another day!)

So I have tried following this tutorial: https://www.termpro.com/asp/pubs.asp?ID=443

I have setup the variable and the email (which works) but I am struggling with the programs section. On the instructions for the first program it looks like this:


So firstly I have realized you can simply type code in to the program content window but you must you use the add to program dialog (I am correct in this right?). So first thing I run in to is the first line of code. I selected Condition; it defaults to And, which I don't understand?, secondly though I have control selected it does not show control when I select add to "if" It shows this:


As you can see it does not say control before the sensor info. What am I missing?

Second issue is regarding nested Parenthesis. I cant figure that out at all! do you have to use the move lines up or down?

I am very new to the programming and any help is gratefully received.


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Right click on Programs, Select new program:

Note: once the sensor wet status is triggered, you'll need to press the sensor set button to reset the sensor to DRY. Keep it simple. You don't need variables


Leak Sensor WET Status is on


Do what ever




Edited by Techman
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@ILey Yes, you are correct it wont show CONTROL in the IF portion but notice it says " switched on". That is meant to imply an action. Compared to if you changed the IF to Status is on, it will status. Here is an example of the two different If conditions. First line is the Control, the second is the status. Yes its a bit confusing, but you will get it with use.

        'Alarm 5' is switched Off
     Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off

Secondly on your question regarding parenthesis, yes you highlight it, after adding and then "move line up" or down and move them where they will make sense. Here are a few screenshots of an example

Step one: I have all three lines in the program, but I want the first two nested together with an AND () for the second, so I add an AND () and it shows up at the bottom. 


        'Alarm 5' is switched Off
     Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off
    And 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off
    And (

Now I click on the top ( and select move line up. It now looks like this:

             'Alarm 5' is switched Off
          Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off
         And 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off

Now I need to move the bottom ) up as well. I click on it and select move line up. it now looks like this.

             'Alarm 5' is switched Off
          Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off
    And 'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off

This has accomplished grouping the status is off or switched (control) off as a group combined with the and on the bottom line. For clarity I often add a second () as follows:

             'Alarm 5' is switched Off
          Or 'Alarm 5' Status is Off
    And (
             'Bar upper cabinet' Status is Off
 This isn't really needed at all, especially for this program, but I have some more complex if where it makes reading it much easier; see example below. 

        'Main House' Armed Status is not Disarmed
    And $Dougs_iPhone_13_home2 is 1
    And (
             'Main House / Garge Ovhd Mid' Logical Status is Violated
          Or 'Main House / Garge Ovhd South' Logical Status is Violated
          Or (
                  'Lock - Rear Garage' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad
              And 'Lock - Rear Garage' User Number is 1
          Or (
                  'Lock - Front Door' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad
              And 'Lock - Front Door' User Number is 1
          Or (
                  'Lock - Mud Room' is switched Alarm Unlocked by Keypad
              And 'Lock - Mud Room' User Number is 1

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feel free to post your programs as your write them if you need further help. The best way to do that is to right click on the program and select copy to clipboard, then you can paste it directly into this forum and others will be able to see directly what you have written. 

Good luck. The power of the ISY is in its amazing flexibility of programming!!

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Thanks bdwarner5. Amazingly I got it to work. Only one issue, but as I said it seems to work, is with this program:


For the life of me I could not get the line Resource "Leak Detected" to work. I dont see the resource option ? so mine looks like this:


But as I said all seems to work, which I find odd but i cant figure out what the line would do anyway?

Next is to try and get Alexa to notify of a leak and get my Insteon sirens working. I am sure I will be posting on these topics in the coming days!


Once again thank you very much.

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Spoke to soon, I know have red exclamation marks next to the three leak sensor entries? How do I reset? It said after leak to reset the sensor so I pushed the button.?

If I click the diagnostics for the device and select ISY link table it does return a box with data? 

Also what does the PLM communication option do? Just returns three entries with 1 retry? I assumed it would show if the devices were connected?

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The red exclamation marks means that the PLM is unable to communicate with the device.

Hold the set button until the green led flashes, then right click the device and left click on write updates.  

After the write completes, tap the set button to take the sensor out of linking mode.

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Techman, I tried that and it did not work? Is it the slow blink or hold for the long blink?

So I eventually deleted and relinked the sensor, which was OK except the status showed nothing for all 3 entries? But I went ahead and tried it and it worked again, sent me an email and I get the siren to work (very pleased with myself!)  

so I took it out of the water and dried it but now the dry entry shows off and the wet shows on. Which obviously is the wrong way around. I tried doing the button thing with a write and it did nothing.

Any suggestions how to reset? Don't want to have to delete and redo the programs every time I delete  the sensor and reinstall.


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@ILey  A few things;

-A battery operated device will "go to sleep" when its not in use to preserve the battery, So anytime you try to "access it" from the Admin Console, you will get that error unless you have "woken up" the device first as the admin console cant talk to it because it is asleep and has no way to wake it up. To wake up the device, press and hold the button until the first set of blinking lights occur. Then you can "talk" to it via the Admin console.

- Likewise I think the leak detectors have a cycle to run and it may take some time for it reset itself. You can always pull the battery and see if that gets it back to starting mode, or (and I am not sure about this as I cant remember offhand), but many of the battery devices have three total clicks before its back to normal. The first one, held for 3 seconds, puts it into communications mode, a second click, quick puts it into a linking mode for other Insteon devices and the third quick press should bring it back to its normal state. Lastly, a quick press from the normal state can also serve as a on/off type of switch. So you can try to press it quickly and see if it cycles the wet / dry, but am not sure if that will work or not. ( I have some and can try it later and let you know)

-The Resource line in the program refers to a "resource" which is programmed into ISY by the user under the Configurations tab / Networking / Network Resources. These are typically direct commands that the ISY can give to other devices.image.thumb.jpeg.122507054a313d7cb5010a03e6ae68b8.jpeg


Here is an example of one. image.thumb.jpeg.2634caf76f2964b8f140e6129ffb36aa.jpeg


At this point in your programming, I wouldn't worry about them!


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2 hours ago, ILey said:

For others moving forward I have found the best solution is to remove the battery for 10 seconds and then reinserting it, this resets dry to on and wet to off. the entire press the reset button thing is totally flaky.

One issue is that most don't realize there were 3 differnt firmware versions for the leak sensor.  Here's a post that describes the differences:


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