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Go to solution Solved by MFBra,

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I've been struggling to solve this issue and thanks to xKing (really thanks), we've narrowed down the issue a point that without ISY knowledge I cannot move forward. So thanks for the valuable help from this community.

It's a node server issue, where the ISY receives all node information, but when I try to issue commands (ON/OF) or query from ISY, I get this error. And here the error log. I filtered out the repeated lines

Thank you in advance!

Qui 2022/12/29 13:39:59    System    -170001    [Network] Established    
Qui 2022/12/29 13:40:00    System    -5006    uuid:99    
Qui 2022/12/29 13:40:00    System    -60001    a.st1.ntp.br    
Qui 2022/12/29 13:41:09    System    -170001    [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, ISY    
Qui 2022/12/29 13:41:17    System    -50010    smtp.gmail.com    
Qui 2022/12/29 13:42:21    System    -170001    [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, ISY    
Qui 2022/12/29 13:51:03    System    -50010    smtp.gmail.com    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:21:46    System    -170001    [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, ISY    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:30:53    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:21 error:6    <= Probably here is the issue
Qui 2022/12/29 16:31:16    System    -5012    26    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:33:42    System    -5012    28    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:33:42    System    -5012    29    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:38:36    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:28 error:6    <= Probably here is the issue
Qui 2022/12/29 16:38:36    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:29 error:6    <= Probably here is the issue
Qui 2022/12/29 16:39:00    System    -5012    30    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:39:00    System    -5012    31    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:41:29    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:19 error:6    <= Probably here is the issue
Qui 2022/12/29 16:41:29    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:25 error:6    <= Probably here is the issue
Qui 2022/12/29 16:41:49    System    -5012    32    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:41:49    System    -5012    33    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:44:23    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:24 error:6    <= Probably here is the issue
Qui 2022/12/29 16:44:23    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:32 error:6    <= Probably here is the issue
Qui 2022/12/29 16:44:38    System    -5012    34    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:44:38    System    -5012    35    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:54:53    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:24 error:6    <= Probably here is the issue
Qui 2022/12/29 16:54:53    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:30 error:6    <= Probably here is the issue
Qui 2022/12/29 16:54:57    System    -5012    36    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:54:57    System    -5012    37    
Qui 2022/12/29 16:58:42    System    -170001    [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, ISY    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:01:21    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:24 error:6    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:01:21    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:28 error:6    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:01:37    System    -5012    38    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:01:37    System    -5012    39    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:06:24    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:21 error:6    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:06:24    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:32 error:6    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:06:29    System    -5012    40    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:06:29    System    -5012    41    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:09:13    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:25 error:6    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:09:13    System    -170001    [UDSockets] RSub:32 error:6    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:09:23    System    -5012    42    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:09:23    System    -5012    43    
Qui 2022/12/29 17:16:47    System    -170001    [TCP-Conn] -256/-140002, ISY    


ISY error.png

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@MFBra A few questions to try to help us out:

1 - what firmware are you on?

2 - please confirm UI and Firmware match (admin console Help -> About)

3 - What are you attempting to do that is causing this error? You just mention sending commands, but why? 

4 - Are you running an app to access ISY? If so, which app?

5 - Are you on macOS? It appears from screen shots to be macOS. 

6 - What's your general location? Early in your first post it appears to be using a time server in Brazil. (a.st1.ntp.br). If you're not there then you need a different NTP server. 


The wiki has a long list of error codes to check - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Errors_And_Error_Messages


Additionally, it would help us out if you explained what issue you've been working on with @xKing that brought you back to needing ISY help. 

Ultimately, this might need to be handled through a support ticket with UDI, but with answers and more information perhaps somebody on the forums can help get you squared away somewhat. 


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1) Firmware 5.3.0 but same behavior on 5.3.4

2) UI and firmware match on both cases, and now double-checked on 5.3.4

3) It's a node server to control lamp switches. So ON/OFF is just to turn them on/off...

4) Trying to do it on the java console, ISY is connected to Node Server, the status of each item on node server get updated to ISY (physically turning them on, gets updated to isy, but I cannot send any command from isy to them, so no programing  or scenes are possible

5) Yes MAC OS, but I'm a long term user of it, never created any problem for me with ISY over more than ~10 years

6) Yes, from Brazil

Already looked into the errors but found no clue in how to fix it.

Tried with @xKing because it's involving a node server wrote from him, but after sharing some info, the issue was narrowed down to a point where ISY receives updates from the node, but cannot "start or send" communication/commands.

I've really digged into several pages here, could not find some clear answer to it... I don't recall having to open a ticket so far, but I'll do it. THANKs !!!!

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4 hours ago, MFBra said:

4) Trying to do it on the java console, ISY is connected to Node Server, the status of each item on node server get updated to ISY (physically turning them on, gets updated to isy, but I cannot send any command from isy to them, so no programing  or scenes are possible

No, I meant like a 3rd party app or UD Mobile. Even though some will suggest that 170001 errors are informational and could be ignored I wondered why you had "[UDSockets] RSub:32 error:6" following that. It was as though a 3rd party app was leaving something open in a connection with the ISY. Perhaps that the node server, but don't know enough to say for sure. I had seen Mobilinc put errors into the log with UDSockets in the past (long, long time ago) so made me wonder.

4 hours ago, MFBra said:

I don't recall having to open a ticket so far, but I'll do it.

Indeed. If you've worked with the node developer and they suggest it's ISY related perhaps the best step is to open a support ticket, provide the error log from the ISY.

What device are you running the node server on? What version of Polyglot are you running? Are you using a Polisy or 3rd party device running PG2?

If might be good to also include the Polyglot log package in your support ticket. 

Submit a Ticket:       https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets

Good luck! Post back how this gets resolved. 


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Hi, Thanks @Geddy

Had a great support from Michael, but unfortunately it's related to TLS and no luck so far.

Brief description about the environment

* ISY (5.3.4) - DHCP Enabled - Portal Working /  On the ISY dashboard /  networking config TLS set to V1.2 both on server and client (haven't changed) - option to Verify Unchecked

* Raspberry PI v4b :

     - PolyGlot V2 Installed 

     - MQTT Node Installed

After setup, I can see the node server on ISY, I create all the nodes and update its status coming from MQTT/Polyglot. But if I try to send ON/OFF from ISY or even click on Re-Discover or Query (inside the node controller) I receive those messages posted in the begginig.

I've shared all the logs with @xKing and today with Michael. It's confirmed ISY can receive updates (as I can see) and with the ISY errors that is related with TLS. Now I'm digging the web to find a solution.. trying sites like this to source information : https://sites.google.com/site/cartwrightraspberrypiprojects/home/steps/disable-unsecure-tls-and-ssl?pli=1

I'm just don't believe a simple environment  ("vanila Raspberry PI") can create so much difficulties.

Hopping someone already solved this in the past and may have clue.

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  • Solution

Just to inform I've found a solution... 

Removed and reinstalled everything on my RPi and at this time, don't ask me why... the option "SSL" in the ISY node server configuration was unchecked again, but now it was somehow "respected"....  

Did it several times before in the previous install. 

Thank you all for the great help !

Wish you all a Great 2023!

  • Thanks 1
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