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ISY994 failed upgrade to 5.x - lost z-wave


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I made the mistake of upgrading to the latest Firmware because I wanted to try out UD Android App and it requires a 5.0+ firmware.

Well, that didn't work out too well...turns out I have a 300 board with Z-Wave.

After clearing out my SD card because it became corrupt, I now no longer have Z-Wave Firmware.

My X10 devices are working fine, after restoring from my last backup. And, it seems to get a status of my Zwave devices, but I can't control them.  All my programs now say "null" where Zwave devices are referenced.  Furthermore, can't see the ISP Portal anymore.

I've been using this system for years without fail.  Why did I try to upgrade is beyond my thinking...but I did. !!!

Please help  



Edited by erkorb
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Solved (almost) - I manually reinstalled Firmware 4.9.0 - all is well again.  I have one "pesky" Zwave device that doesn't want respond, but the rest are fine.  The Zwave Firmware seems to be installed now too.

Should I go to 5.0.16C to try the UD Mobile?

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Solved (almost) - I manually reinstalled Firmware 4.9.0 - all is well again.  I have one "pesky" Zwave device that doesn't want respond, but the rest are fine.  The Zwave Firmware seems to be installed now too.
Should I go to 5.0.16C to try the UD Mobile?

That’s where I’m at with 300 zwave and it works great but the move from 4.9.0 to 5.0.16C is more than just a simple install. There are several steps involved. I wrote( as well as others ) a guide that’s on here somewhere.
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1 hour ago, hart2hart said:

That’s where I’m at with 300 zwave and it works great but the move from 4.9.0 to 5.0.16C is more than just a simple install. There are several steps involved. I wrote( as well as others ) a guide that’s on here somewhere.

I found it here (not sure if this is the most recent means.)  Also, I don't have another controller to point my Zwave devices - not sure how critical this is...?


Edited by erkorb
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On 1/1/2023 at 1:44 PM, erkorb said:

not sure how critical this is

5.x updates were not super "critical". They started the ability to use node servers for ISY (previously with Polyglot Cloud and more recently Polisy and eisy running Polyglot v3/v3x). UD mobile does need 5.x to connect to the ISY. 

It depends on what you've been using (if anything) to remotely control the ISY994 other than the admin console. If you're happy with any app(s) you might be using and have full functioning ISY994 at Firmware 4.9 then I'd say there's no real major need to upgrade beyond the point you are at. If you were to get new hardware (eisy and ZMatter board) the migration is somewhat more difficult from 4.9 (if not impossible at this point). Depending on the size of your system it would be something to consider if you didn't want to setup everything fresh in the new hardware.


Also, in your first post it appears your UI/FW don't match. Firmware has "OADR" while the UI doesn't. If you're using IoX Launcher (formerly ISY Launcher) then they should be matching. Just something to watch for. 

On 1/1/2023 at 10:49 AM, erkorb said:

I have one "pesky" Zwave device that doesn't want respond, but the rest are fine.

You may need to relocate the ISY994 closer to that device or bring the device closer to connect to the ISY994 then return it to it's location for the network to mesh/repair itself. I think there was a way in the 4.9 firmware to repair z-wave, but never used it so couldn't help you with those steps. (In the wiki it references: Z-Wave | Tools | Heal Network).


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