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Device names not changing


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I've changed a couple of my Airthings (AT) devices using the AT web dashboard "settings" option (not the app, which is a more drastic update that archives the device readings up to that point and resets the calibration period) but the names don't change in NS Nodes panel or ISY.

Yes, I have the NS configured with change_node_name set to true



For example, I dropped an apostrophe for 2 devices in the AT Dashboard but the apostrophe remains in NS and ISY.







Is that because we're talking about an apostrophe, i.e. a special character? I didn't test that theory but think this should be fixed anyway so figured I would report it. That or a clear warning should be put in a highly visible spot that warns against the use of any problematic characters if that's the case to give people a chance to rename any offending device before they start the NS.


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