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Heartbeat missing from devices


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I'll be happy to post migration process including pitfalls going forward.. We cannot be held hostage by an vendor.....


i still monitor batteries...just by using the "low battery" part of the sensor...

it doesnt show anything until the sensor sends a low battery signal....but it does work..on all my sensors so far.



thinking on that..heartbeat might be doing the same...only sending so often...set up a program to count an integer variable and see if it counts up?

just a thought



Heartbeats are alive and well as far as I know.   I believe the program that @Techman posted must be manually started after it's added, or run via a reboot.  In my experience it doesn't seem to get started on it's own, but it does seem to refresh the wait as long as it's running... i.e. full green program flag: image.png.94bc8460948ab301776eae1be28c4407.png

The program that I've always used on all my wireless devices looks like this:

hb.FrontDoor - [ID 0066][Parent 0072]

        'Door Switches / Front Door / Front Door- Heartbeat' is switched On
     Or 'Door Switches / Front Door / Front Door- Heartbeat' is switched Off
        Wait  24 hours
        $iDoor.FrontDoor.HBmissed += 1
        $iDoor.FrontDoor.HBmissed Init To $iDoor.FrontDoor.HBmissed
        Wait  2 seconds
        Resource 'NotificationNS.DoorTrouble.FrontDoor'
        Run Program 'hb.FrontDoor' (Then Path)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

For recessed door sensors the wait is 24 hours as their heart beats every 21 hours if set the the maximum in the device configuration.  Leak sensors and surface mount open/close sensors, I use 25 hours for the wait.

I track three things for each wireless sensor using integer variables: Missed heartbeats, Battery days, and transmission count.  Some sensors seem to randomly miss a heartbeat or two occasionally so I include that info in the notification the ISY sends me via Pushover so that I know if I want to rush to change the battery.  The worst sensors for missing random heartbeats seem to be the surface mount open/close sensors, never have figured out why. 

In the last line of the program, I loop back to the same then body to ensure it's always waiting.

this program will start up by itself at the next heartbeat, but should definitly be included in "run at startup" or run during startup by another program.  I choose the latter because Daylight Savings time shift will stop programs running, I have a program that detects a DST time shift and restarts all the programs that should always be running... that program is also run at startup.

the notification sent looks like this:


The battery days program is a just a simple program that runs at 12:12 am (I offset it from midnight by a few minutes just because I've always done offsets when something doesn't absolutely need to occur at midnight to minimize load spikes.) Each time it runs it just adds 1 to all the battery days variables for each device.

The transmission count program is included below, but simply counts each type of transmission.  It's not really needed but I did it for judging how low the battery in the device might be.

All the counters for a device are reset when I change the battery in a device.

FrontDoor - [ID 005B][Parent 0033]

        'Door Switches / Front Door' is switched On
     Or 'Door Switches / Front Door' is switched Off
     Or 'Door Switches / Front Door / Front Door- Heartbeat' is switched On
     Or 'Door Switches / Front Door / Front Door- Heartbeat' is switched Off
     Or 'Door Switches / Front Door / Front Door- Low Bat' is switched On
     Or 'Door Switches / Front Door / Front Door- Low Bat' is switched Off
        $iDoor.FrontDoor.TransCount += 1
        $iDoor.FrontDoor.TransCount Init To $iDoor.FrontDoor.TransCount
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Thanks for the information. But the underlying issue is that the heartbeat is not appearing as a device. So I see Open, and Close, but no Heartbeat.

16 hours ago, wes said:

Thanks for the information. But the underlying issue is that the heartbeat is not appearing as a device. So I see Open, and Close, but no Heartbeat.

Sorry, now that you mention that... I do remember that from page 1 of this thread, the thread got pulled a different direction tho, or at least it did in my mind....  

I see you're still on v4.9 so I'm not certain if this is helpful, it's been a long time since i was on V4:  Have you tried right clicking one of the nodes that is showing up and group devices?   Also if you click the top folder in the device tree (usually name "Network") and look at the table in the right pane, does that only show two nodes?  (I have found devices that didn't seem to exist with group/ungroup in the past.. not sure how they hide)

I did just re-read the thread from the top, it's unclear to me if you tried: Delete device from ISY, Factory reset Device, Re-add device to ISY.

Which method are you using to add the device?  If using "New Insteon Device" are you leaving the device drop-down on "auto detect".

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