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Socket Hang Up Error When Deleting node servers in PG2

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I successfully migrated from the isy-994 to Polisy and am now trying to upgrade all of my node servers from PG2 to PG3. However, when I go into PG2 to delete the Node Server, I get a "Socket Error Hang Up" error message and the NS continues to show up in PG2 and PG3 (as unmanaged). Am I missing a step? Thanks!

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13 hours ago, oneklakes said:

FWIW, I also see the following error on the PG2 dashboard: "ISY automatically discovered at http://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:xxxx however the username and password need to be set in the settings menu." That message does not show on the PG3 dashboard.

That implies that the username or password for the i994 as configured in PG2 is incorrect.  (maybe it got reset somehow). Try re-entering them in PG2's ISY configuration and save.   The reason you're getting the error and the node server's are being deleted is because PG2 can't communicate with the i994.

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1 minute ago, bpwwer said:

That implies that the username or password for the i994 as configured in PG2 is incorrect.  (maybe it got reset somehow). Try re-entering them in PG2's ISY configuration and save.   The reason you're getting the error and the node server's are being deleted is because PG2 can't communicate with the i994.

@bpwwerThanks for the response.

I did try re-entering the username and password in the PG2 settings but that didn't make a difference.

However, you're right that PG2 can't communicate with the i994 because I took the i994 off line after I did the transition to IOP per the instructions so that there wouldn't be a conflict. Do I need to power off the Polisy, put the i994 back on, delete the PG2 node servers and then reverse?

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Ok, if I understand correctly, what you need to do is simply delete the PG2 node servers from the IoP, correct?

My recommendation is to go through the 'unmanaged' node servers one by one and do the following:

1. From admin console Node Servers -> Configuration -> <slot> -> delete.  This will delete the PG2 node server from the IoP.  PG3 should then see that the slot is now free (may take a few minutes or log out of PG3 and log back in.

2. Install the PG3 node server into that slot.

However, if you have scenes and programs configured for that node server, you may want to try and re-install the PG3 version instead.    So skip step #1 and when installing the PG3 version, select the re-install option.  It should install the PG3 version and if possible, it will attempt to keep the same nodes with the scenes and/or programs intact.

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30 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

Ok, if I understand correctly, what you need to do is simply delete the PG2 node servers from the IoP, correct?

My recommendation is to go through the 'unmanaged' node servers one by one and do the following:

1. From admin console Node Servers -> Configuration -> <slot> -> delete.  This will delete the PG2 node server from the IoP.  PG3 should then see that the slot is now free (may take a few minutes or log out of PG3 and log back in.

2. Install the PG3 node server into that slot.

However, if you have scenes and programs configured for that node server, you may want to try and re-install the PG3 version instead.    So skip step #1 and when installing the PG3 version, select the re-install option.  It should install the PG3 version and if possible, it will attempt to keep the same nodes with the scenes and/or programs intact.

@bpwwerI do have programs which include several of the PG2 node servers so will proceed with the re-install option.

Regarding your initial question, I was under the impression that the preferred approach was to delete the node servers in PG2 before installing the PG3 versions in IoP so there wouldn't be any conflicts? However, if I can just install the PG3 versions and leave the PG2 versions running that will make things easier. Thanks!

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