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Z-Wave+ & Matter Module for Polisy in a Zmatter enclosure assembly instructions


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The following are instructions on how to assemble the Z-Wave+ & Matter Module ( https://www.universal-devices.com/product/zmatter-z-wave-matter-module-for-polisy-beta/ ) in a Zmatter enclosure ( https://www.universal-devices.com/product/zmatter-usb-enclosure/ ).


You will need a small Phillips screw driver or jewelers screw driver to open the enclosure and attach the board and needle nose pliers to attach the antenna leads and tighten the antenna mounting nuts.

Note: The Matter module will not fit inside the enclosure in its current form.  It will need to be snapped in half along a scribe mark that is next to the antenna wire mounts and the two mounting holes. Before snapping, mark the module to identify the Z-Wave and Zigbee chip locations or take a picture of the board for later reference.

  1. Open the new USB enclosure by unscrewing the four 10mm M2 screws.
  2. Looking inside, note the position of the circuit board standoffs that receive these screws.  The motherboard should have a total of  six standoffs. Four of the standoffs (two on the USB dongle side, and two in the center) hold the motherboard to the case, and two (opposite of the USB dongle) are mounted directly to the board.   If your enclosure has screws and not standoffs in the center location, contact UD sales for help.
  3. Insert the gold threaded antenna mounts in the enclosure case leaving the wire leads free.  The threads have a flat spot that needs to align with the flat spot (nothch) on either of the holes in the side of the case. Clearance with the case and internal components will be tight, but with care they will slip in the mounting holes in the case. The two threaded antenna mounts are different, but it doesn't matter which side they go on.  Apply a lock washer, washer, and nut then tighten. 
  4. If you haven't already, snap the board along the scribe (see note above) and with the board outside the case, use your needle nose pliers to click/snap on the antenna wires to the mounts in the location that matches the Z-wave and Zigbee markings on the enclosure bottom. 
  5. With the wires attached, insert the module into the motherboard connector.
  6. Use the included screws to attached the module to the two standoffs on the motherboard being careful not to pinch the wires. The holes will align with the module properly in the motherboard connector.
  7. Carefully tuck the excess antenna lead wires into the case without making sharp bends.
  8. Screw the cover on the enclosure with the original M2 x 10mm screws.
  9. Attach the antennas by screwing them on. The antennas are optimized and need to be attached to the correct side. Red band = Zigbee, Yellow band = Z-Wave.
  10. Take the rest of the day off!
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