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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Program Detail Tree Suggestion


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Would it be a major undertaking to display programs in the tree that are not enabled with a red 'X' through the program icon? I know it's in the summary, but it would be nice to see it in the tree also.




  • 1 month later...

I kind-of wished there was only one tree that had everything in it under the main tab including some icon feedback as you suggested. The main and the programming tabs are a bit redundant and could be combined someday.


+ Network

______+ My Lighting

____________+ Living Room

__________________Main Light

__________________Switched Outlet

__________________Brass Lamp

____________+ Family Room

__________________Switched Outlet

________________+ Keypad Main Lights

______________________A: Family Room Evening

______________________B: Family Room Movie Time

______________________C: Family Room Off

______________________D: All Off

____________+ Bedroom Room

__________________Main Light

__________________Switched Outlet

__________________Bed Lamp

________________+ Bedroom Bath



______+ My Scenes

____________+ Family Room Evening Scene

____________+ Family Room Movie Time Scene

____________+ Family Room Off Scene

____________+ All Off Scene

+ Programs

______+ Bedroom Bath Delay Off

______+ Christmas

____________Christmas Tree Timer

____________Outside Christmas Lights Timer

______Outside Security Lights Timer





I have added your first suggestion (making disabled programs red) as an enhancement requirement to our database.


As far as having everything in a tree, we tried that: it'll be quite impractical for larger installations as the tree gets too long and confusing.


With kind regards,


That's a good idea. Hopefully they'll look at it for future release

It's only too long if the user is one of those guys that opens the the whole tree all at one time. It's the folders make it work. And it works well even with large installs. There have been many programs in the past for X10 that used one tree and it worked well. Just my 2 cents.


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