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New Clean EISY - Fresh Update - Fresh Migration - Can't login to PG3x

Go to solution Solved by DennisC,

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I thought it was time to try to start fresh again... factory reset the ZMatter and EISY and fresh package updates on the EISY.  Restored the migration backup file and cleaned it up what came in (that all looked normal), then went to look at PG3x and I can't log in without getting the 401 Unauthorized message.

I have tried two different computers and both Safari and FireFox browsers with cleared history and no matter which I get the 401 message.  I have no trouble connecting to the PG3x login screen, I then log in to the Portal and then admin/admin for the PG3x and hit login and that is where the failed login appears.


I had this problem some time ago, but Firefox seemed to be the solution, now it is failing too...

I just checked I am on 5.5.9_1 and PG3X is at 3.1.24_4.  

I am not sure where to go with this.

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Use the multi function button (6 button presses ) to shutdown eisy, remove power for several minutes, power it backup and try again. Be sure to wait 15 minutes before trying to log in to PG3x and after signing in to your portal, the login for PG3x is the same as your eisy.

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When I was going through this today, I had multiple power downs and multiple reboots and while I can't be exact there was always some time between re-powering and rebooting, but PG3x login always failed.

This time I had ~30 minutes power down, powered back up and waited as you suggested and I was able to login to PG3.  What a mystery that this time it worked?

Thank you

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