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ADC not showing up as a sensor option in PROGRAM drop down menu

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I am monitoring the turbidity of my creek and based on water quality want to activate a Sluice gate to divert water to my lagoon. (we get heavy rains here in the mountains of Colombia and water quickly turns to milk-coffee).

Using @xKing's MQTT note server, I have the following YAML entries for the tasmotized Wemo Mini D1, which senses trubidity on A0 (GPIO17) and uses D1 (GPIO5) to control the Relay:

# Creekside WeMo Mini D1 with ADC. TOPIC in WeMo Mini D1 MQTT CONFIG "Creek"!
- id: "Turbidity"
  name: "Creek Turbidity"
  type: "analog"
  status_topic: "tele/Creek/SENSOR"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Creek/power"
- id: "Sluice"
  name: "Creek Sluice"
  type: "switch"
  status_topic: "stat/Creek/POWER"
  cmd_topic: "cmnd/Creek/power"

(This is an adaptation of the yaml entries used for a Sonoff 4CH or Dual. Same TOPIC "Creek"), but different id/name. This works) 


And I do get a reading in the MAIN Panel for CREEK TURBIDITY:


And I can control CREEK SLUICE as well


However, when I try to create a program to activate CREEK SLUICE according to the reading of CREEK TURBIDITY, the CREEK TURBIDITY sensor is not showing up in the drop down menu. Only the CREEK SLUICE relay status shows. I did scroll all the way to the bottom, just in case 🙂 :


Any idea, why this might be the case?

Thanks in advance.


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9 minutes ago, Geddy said:

Probably nobody familiar enough with the issue to help. I don't use this node server so can't help in anyway.

Tagging @xKing as listed developer of the node server on PG3 store. Otherwise, you might want to go to the git and raise the issue there to see if it gets any resolution.



Thanks @Geddy. I'll give @xKing a few days to get back to me and then head to git. Wasn't aware of this option. I have tried the Tasmota User group, but they couldn't help here.



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  • 4 weeks later...
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@xKing got back to me.

Once I migrated to PG3x on eISY and tried to look at it again, ANALOG showed up as a parameter on that device.

One thing to pay attention to: Tasmota only sends an ANALOG reading update via MQTT every so often (300seconds). It does however give real-time update on its WebUI.

Thanks @Geddy and @xKing


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