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isy994 to eisy migration requirements


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I am considering migrating my isy994 to eisy with Z-wave.  1) My isy994 seems to have PLM built-in but the eisy requires an external PLM, is that correct?  2) Is Z-wave built-in eisy or do I need to buy and add-on?  Sorry, I don't have time to research these at the moment.  Need quick answers to decide to research further.  Thanks!  

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The ISY doesn't have an internal PLM, it uses the 2413S PLM which is connected to the ISY via the cable that was included with the ISY.

The eisy doesn't have built-in Zwave, you would need the external Zmatter card and enclosure sold by UD.

ZMatter USB: Z-Wave+ & Matter Module for eisy (Beta) - Universal Devices (universal-devices.com)

The migration process is dependent upon your current hardware and firmware, i.e. do you currently have zwave, what is your current ISY firmware?

When you get ready to migrate there are detailed migration instructions available.

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