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Pico 4 button PJ2-4b not sending events

Andy P
Go to solution Solved by bpwwer,

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Hi Bob, first of all, I am trying out the Caseta node server. No problem loading it up and getting it to recognize my hub, three switches, shades.

But although the node server creates a node for the 4 button PJ2-4b, there are no events in the log when any button is pressed. Any idea what is happening? I can set that remote in the Lutron app to control a light and will get the events in the log for the light. But I wanted to repurpose the remote to control insteon devices so I need to get the events directly without controlling a caseta switch.

Node Name 12AddressNodeDefPrimary NodeHintEnabledIs PrimaryDelete

Study_Pico - Adevice19_1pico4bdevice19_10x00000000truetrue✖



Thanks, Andy


You should get a node created for each button on the Pico which it looks like you do from what you posted. You have Study_Pico - A, Study_Pico - B, Study_Pico - C, and Study_Pico - D right?

Each of those should have an option to set what the button does like below.


By default I believe button A sends an ON command, button B sends a BRIGHT command, button C sends a DIM command and button D sends an OFF command.  But you can configure each button independently.  

For example with A configured to send ON and B configured to send OFF you could put these in a scene with an Insteon lamplinc  and button A would then turn the lamplinc on and button B would turn it off.   What you can't do is use a single button as a toggle (well maybe you can with a set of programs). 

Speaking of programs, you should also be able to trigger programs on the button press. Like below.


Pico buttons are somewhat limited in that the only thing the bridge sends to the node server is the button pressed (and button released) events.  They don't have any status.  But this should be enough to do what you want.

To summarize you have two options with Pico buttons

1. Use them as a scene controller where they send a command to the responders in the scene.

2. Use the button press event as a program trigger.

If it isn't working as I described above, set the node server log level to debug, do the operation you're trying to make work, download the log package for the node server and PM it to me.


Yes to everything about the node created for each button. And exactly how I set up the programs. The problem is, no event is generated at all for any of the buttons and so no programs run. I turned on debug logging in the polyglot console and there is no log entry when I press a button and no action in the EISY admin console either for that remote.

If I set that exact remote through the lutron app to control a light, I do get events for the light in both the log and in the admin console as I mentioned.

This is the PICO remote model that has no Favorite button in the middle, but other than that seems to be the same.



Just to add that. when I use the PJ2-3BRL remote, I see these entries as expected

2023-05-25 12:43:40,489 Thread-2 udi_interface DEBUG picos:btn_off_callback: Button off was Press
2023-05-25 12:43:40,489 Thread-2 udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:send: PUBLISHING {'command': [{'address': 'device11_1', 'cmd': 'DOF'}]}
2023-05-25 12:43:40,507 MQTT udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_message: QUEUING incoming message command
2023-05-25 12:43:40,507 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_parseInput: DEQUEING command
2023-05-25 12:43:40,801 Thread-2 udi_interface DEBUG picos:btn_off_callback: Button off was Release
  • Solution

I just submitted version 1.0.8 of the plug-in to the store.  

Go to the Node Server Store and click the Refresh Store button.

Select the Caseta node server

Click "Install" for the trial (I'm assuming you're running the trial)

You should then have the option to re-install to the same slot, click on that and the node server will install the new version and restart the node server.

The button press events for the configurable Pico buttons should now work.


It works!!!

Thanks, Bob - perfect fix. Now I am getting all the button events in the polyglot console and the admin console and the programs are triggering properly.

I went ahead and bought the production version - but, oops, on the wrong EISY. So bought another for my House EISY. Now I just have to buy a Lutron hub for my barn so I can use the Pico remotes over there.

Thanks again, Andy


Glad to hear it's working.  I don't know when I broke that but it was a pretty serious bug so I'm glad you let me know.

You can send a note to sales@universal-devices.com and request a refund for the first purchase.

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