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Eisy - Polyglot V3 - Google Chrome - Page will not load

Go to solution Solved by kurelgyer,

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The PG3 UI will be available at https://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:3000, where the X's should be replaced by your eisy's IP address.

You will get a Chrome security warning, but you should be able to accept the risk and continue to the IP address.

From the wiki:

eisy (PG3) Dashboard

You will be prompted with a security warning by your browser because eisy uses a self-signed certificate. Please ignore the warning.


You are then presented with the login screen. The default username is admin and default password is admin. Please make sure you change your default username/password once you login.


The login of admin/admin assumes you haven't changed it for eisy, since PG3 now uses the same login as eisy.

Also, you will need to login to the portal prior to being able to login to PG3x.

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Apparently I was trying to access Polyglot V3 via the cloud version of the Admin Console (Node Servers/Launch Polyglot V3) .  It appears this does not work.  It seems you have to be on the LAN version of the Admin Console.

Since the IoX Finder was not finding my Eisy, I had to add it manually.  I used the Admin Console URL found in the UD Web Portal (Select Tool/Information/ISY Information), because I didn't know what else to do.  This does not work.  From the Cloud Admin Console, when you select Launch Polyglot, the webpage it opens times out - there is never an opportunity to accept risk to continue or to sign in.

I can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago to finally find the LAN version of the Admin Console, but I did.  But then my normal Username / Passwords weren't working.  On a whim, I tried Admin/Admin and I got in (I know this is mentioned somewhere but it isn't clear and with all the migration, why does this reset to Admin?.

Once into the LAN Admin Console, Node Servers/Launch Polyglot V3 worked and finally launched the Polyglot login page.  But of course, none of my credentials seem to be valid for login here.

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To close, I created a help ticket to which Michel promptly responded.  I was instructed to push the Eisy button 😏 three times to reset the login credentials.  I tried this 4 separate times, but it did not work.  Michel had to remote in and straighten my issues out.  Eisy?  Not so easy.  Customer support?  Top notch.

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