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replace existing product.


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It occurred tome that for all of us having Insteon devices that fail with time that are linked to other devices, there could be a "replace existing product" option that took a non responsive ID from one product and gave all of its attributes to the same product so you dont have to rewire all of the programs, links etc,


I know there used to be a copy attributes option. I thought that went away with an update, but I am not the most prolific user or follower or programmer type

If there is an easy button for this, someone please spare me the long way.

Thanks for any input in advance.

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That option already exists. You first install the replacement device, which must be the same type of device that you're replacing, but don't rename it. Then right click on the failed device and click on "replace with", and point to the device you just installed. All your scenes and programs will be updated without any user input.

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The key is, it has to be the same device type or the newly added device won’t show up as a replacement choice. For instance you can’t replace an on/off device with a dimmer.

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The Replace <olddevice> With command works well, in my experience.

Unfortunately, I've had to use it a lot!  I would estimate I've replaced 30 devices over the past 5 years; mostly first-generation Insteon (>10 years old).

It's counter-intuitive, but before the Replace command shows up for a device, you must remove the device from its current folder.  

One tip:  The name you choose for the new device is temporary, so I find it easiest to choose a name that sorts to the top of the device list.  I use "0new" whenever I do this process (that's a zero).   Then, when you choose Replace <olddevice> With, the new one will be right at the top of the list.

After you confirm you want to replace the old device with the new one, the process can take several minutes.

It's annoying, but after the Replace command completes, the Admin Console exits without any feedback or summary.  Feels like it has crashed.

When you restart the AC, move the new device (which will now have the original name) back into the folder from which you moved it at the beginning.  

Also note, if there were any communication issues while making the change, there could be pending updates for the device.  If you see the little "11010" icon on the new device, be sure you right-click and choose Write Updates to Device. 

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